ICYMI—Levin: Fox News ‘Imploding’; Megyn Kelly ‘Out of Control,’ ‘Auditioning’ for a Bigger Forum – IOTW Report

ICYMI—Levin: Fox News ‘Imploding’; Megyn Kelly ‘Out of Control,’ ‘Auditioning’ for a Bigger Forum

"...And if this is the future of Fox, then Fox will be dead because this kind of National Enquirer stuff dressed up as journalism doesn’t fly.”

Breitbart—Wednesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin excoriated the Fox News Channel and “The Kelly File” host Megyn Kelly days after Kelly and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a surrogate for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, had a heated exchange over accusations Trump was a “sexual predator.”

Levin declared Fox News was “imploding” and called Kelly “out of control.”

“I think it is fair to say the Fox News Channel is imploding,” Levin said. “I think it is fair to say the Murdoch boys, both of whom are liberals are slowly but surely ruining that network, not that I’m a Roger Ailes fan. I’m just saying it is quite obvious. Their top star is Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly is out of control. Megyn Kelly pretends to represent women. I want you all to go listen to her 2010 interview on ‘The Howard Stern Show.’”

Levin recalled Kelly’s dust-up with Trump at the beginning of the GOP primary, which she went after Trump for some of the things he had said about women at the first primary debate.

“At the beginning of the Republican primary, she set a fuse,” he added. “She was so obsessed with Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump and things that were said back and forth, she set the stage for what became month after month of vicious personal, nasty attacks. And she’s doing it again.”  MORE

27 Comments on ICYMI—Levin: Fox News ‘Imploding’; Megyn Kelly ‘Out of Control,’ ‘Auditioning’ for a Bigger Forum

  1. I’ve been done with her since she went with the ‘power hair-do’. Right about then, something changed – whether the vanity fair crap went to her head, or she decided to drop her pretense, who can say. Either way, when I look at her, I see a hack.

  2. Bad Brad I understand your feelings about Mark Levin, I’ve had the same feelings at times, but he’s an American true and true. He’s feelings about Trump are no different than a lot of us. Many of us wanted Ted Cruz. As did Levin. Trouble is, Levin couldn’t let go and pissed me off for a while. But I feel he has lowered the tone.
    He’s a Trumper but he’s being a dick not saying it outright!

  3. the Ministry of Propaganda has completely taken over …. done w/ Fox
    Limbaugh currently is nothing more than a constant blow-hard braggart that can’t bring himself to say one good word about Trump, always dwelling on the negative, while railing against the Left, ala Don Quixote. Hannity, while I salute his ever-stalwart conservative values, is an inarticulate dunce, always interrupting at the wrong moment. Levin, whom I used to admire, created a fatal error in aligning w/ the #NeverTrumpsters … &, I believe, he did it because he thought his choice for the Republican nominee was the only choice & damn the peasantry … smug arrogance never looks good … on anyone.
    Fox News is dead as a ‘conservative’ organization …. Fox Business News still has Cavuto, Dobbs, et al … that’s about it
    Kelly is just another skank ho vying for taint-licking time, so she can cash check on the Murdock’s bank account vs. O’Reilly, Baer, Hume, Krauthammer, Smith, Perrino, etc.

  4. Moan Lobe I agree with everything you say except I feel that Rush has been a staunch defender of Donald Trump. The only real defender of Trump, other than Hannity, who doesn’t know when to shut to fuck up. Levin is coming around, but it may be too late. Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham are yeomen. (oops)

  5. The only reason Levin pretends he supports Trump is because his ratings took a Big Hit and his shitty books quit selling.Like cruzio he’s a fraud. Quit falling for these phony assholes.

  6. Telegraph Jack, Are you crazy? His Book sales are crazy in the conservative sphere! He launched a proprietary online tv program that has been so successful that he has Michelle Malkin and Mark Stein singning on to expand it. What world are you in?

    It was obvious to any regular listener that Levin would support Trump all the way. All he was saying all that time (and I was listening) was that we need to pry some conservative values from Trump. THAT WAS THE OPPOSITION.

  7. I stopped watching Kelly months ago, unless she had on someone I really was interested in seeing kick her arse. When ever that happens, I can find out about it and watch it on YouTube. Loved it when Newt Gingrich handed everything she deserved to her a while ago. Gave up on Hannity and barely watch O’ Reilly anymore. Cannot stand the shouting matches. Complete waste of time. Fox Business News is better than any thing else on the Idjit Box, because it actually has in depth interviews and smart people at the helm. I haven’t listened to talk radio in several years. Stopped subscribing to local newspapers decades ago. Why bother? I made up my mind years ago that I was a Conservative. Life is so much easier living without being aggravated by the talking heads and the MSDM. Read books! Watch George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover and Winston Churchill handle life if you want to figure out what’s wrong with our country and the world.

  8. I don’t pay attention to anyone who says “Take me seriously for my mind” while posing vainly or sexually in photos. MK dressed up like a whore in a magazine, Paul Ryan posed like a homo gymrat. These two have no capacity for self judgment.

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