Levin: Lanny Davis screwed over his client, Michael Cohen – IOTW Report

Levin: Lanny Davis screwed over his client, Michael Cohen

[Segment starts at 29:55]

h/t comment section at Conservative Tree House.

13 Comments on Levin: Lanny Davis screwed over his client, Michael Cohen

  1. Mueller knows, as does The Swamp, that if you want to engage in Sedition and many other crimes such as a coup, then cloak it all under the robes of Justice. This nefarious scheme is being conducted by the FBI, Justice Dept., various DAs etc. in order to prevent being stopped because they are the Legal System. The media and Democrats , see Schumer warning to Trump, reinforce the sanctity of the Coup because it is merely Justice doing its job…if this succeeds, Freedom is gone and we will stand at the Abyss, paying our mortgages, paying our taxes, loving our family and always worrying that by some accident we come to the attention of some Socialist who will decide to ruin our life by Law, Media, lost employment or public shaming…until too sick at heart, we die, leaving as little trace on earth as a birds flight across the sky..(with thanks to Jean Anouilh)

  2. Particularly in urban areas, plea bargains are absolutely required or the system will grind to a halt. This has induced prosecutors to engage in over charging and seeking maximum penalties for all counts in order to induce defendants to plea bargain to lesser charges and for lesser and more certain sentences. Would you rather risk conviction on 10 counts and have the prosecutor seek the 300 year maximum sentence if convicted on all charges, or plead to 2 lesser counts and do 100 hours of community service?

    With regard to Trump and his supporters, this tactic is being used more and more. Most legal analysts I have read believe Cohen is guilty on five or six counts of tax evasion and financial fraud, and his maximum sentence if convicted would be substantial. However, Cohen was probably convinced to plead to, among other things, the election law violations in exchange for a lesser sentence even though even Alan Dershowitz does not believe that there were any election law violations.

    I have seen people plead guilty to things when I know for a fact no crime was committed. They do this because of over charging and threats of maximum sentences, and sometimes they plead guilty just to get out of the system. Because of these tactics, people who work in large city criminal justice systems frequently have more affinity to criminal defense lawyers, who at least try to follow the rules, than prosecutors who use the system for their own personal gain and who are frequently unethical.

  3. Out of all of the attorneys available, why choose a Clinton loyalist who is obviously not defending you.

    He’s a hostile witness against himself.

    This makes no sense other than he feels wronged by Trump and is setting himself on fire at the promise of a plea bargain to his grossly inflated actions.



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