Liam Neeson Admits He Once Walked the Streets Wanting To Kill a “Black Bastard” – IOTW Report

Liam Neeson Admits He Once Walked the Streets Wanting To Kill a “Black Bastard”


Liam Neeson has revealed he once walked the streets with a cosh (metal bar) for days looking to kill a “black bastard” after someone close to him was raped many years ago.

“She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way,” Neeson said during the interview, which can be read in full here. “But my immediate reaction was … did she know who it was? No. What colour were they? She said it was a black person.

“I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I’d be approached by somebody. I’m ashamed to say that, and I did it for maybe a week – hoping some [Neeson gestures air quotes with his fingers] ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could kill him.”


ht/ JS

22 Comments on Liam Neeson Admits He Once Walked the Streets Wanting To Kill a “Black Bastard”

  1. “Black Bastard”. I don’t think that will age well. He wasn’t after a specific black bastard. Any generic black bastard he might run into on the streets will do. There must be a lot of them.
    Another Hollywood wanna be tough guy that’s starting to believe his characters. To bad he didn’t say he had a gun. The Hypocritical ass hole.

  2. Bad Brad…As soon as I’m done shooting “Taken IV , V, VI, and VII,

    I’ll drive up the Coast on the wrong side of the Road and kick

    Your sorry Arse!!

    Hi MJA! Love your stuff !

  3. Can’t stand the sum-a-bitch. Makes movies with over the top gun violence then lectures we dumb Americans about gun violence and how we need MORE gun control. That’ll get us to watch your movies you jerk.

  4. Cripes! Are we going to have to endure everyone’s True Confessions now? Must be that in the temple of Leftist secularism, outing yourself is good for the psyche. They’re gonna have to make another YT for this.

  5. He did exactly the right thing. go after these animals and wipe them out. western culture cannot survive with africans running the place. let them stay in africa and build their own civilization.

  6. Ummmm, but Bob, I don’t think he actually ever beat anyone…… I for one, do not have a problem with anyone from the dark continent………… except muslims.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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