Lib Journalists Go on Strike. And They Have Demands – IOTW Report

Lib Journalists Go on Strike. And They Have Demands

WFB: Dozens of left-wing journalists are on strike Tuesday after negotiations broke down over a new union contract for G/O Media employees. The previous contract negotiated by the Gizmodo Media Group Union, which represents the newsroom workers at six websites—Gizmodo, Jezebel, Lifehacker, The Root, Kotaku, and Jalopnik—expired at midnight.

“In 2015, this union broke new ground when it organized the first digital media union,” the organization said in a statement. “Now, GMG Union will break ground yet again: We are the first digital media shop to go on an open-ended strike for a fair contract.”

The union listed the concerns of the striking workers on its website. For example, it denounced G/O Media for refusing to “codify the widely accepted … standards of care for our trans and gender-expansive colleagues,” as outlined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, and for proposing a salary increase “for our lowest paid colleagues—and no one else” during a time of “unprecedented inflation” under President Joe Biden. read more

20 Comments on Lib Journalists Go on Strike. And They Have Demands

  1. And … and … and … if we don’t get what we want we’re gonna hold our breath!

    These twatwaffles are a dime a dozen – any third grader with access to the interwebz can compete with them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Pay them 10 cents a word but exclude “They”, “Them”, “Problematic” & “Gender”

    otherwise its Bot Generated News and like CHERLY says above: “learn to code”

  3. Union journalists????
    That is an oxymoron to the industry. How could they be expected to publish honest reports about union corruption which is the essence of unionized labor.
    Only a leftist could be this obvious.

  4. “Journalists” = presstitutes.
    Why do they need to negotiate higher pay?
    Aren’t they already getting the going rates from the DildoCrats for screwing the American people?

  5. The hardest hands to get cash out of are the socialist/communist hands. If this were a proper socialist utopia the bosses would line them up against a wall and machine gun them for their insolence, videotape the slaughter and sell that to the market.


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