Lib rag loves flag burners, but deletes questions about Koran burning – IOTW Report

Lib rag loves flag burners, but deletes questions about Koran burning

In New York City it is illegal, punishable by massive fines, to refer to a "transgender" person by anything other than its preferred pronoun. You know, because government needs to enshrine a constitutional right to mental illness.

WyBlog: Today the uber-liberal Star-Ledger Editorial Board posted an opinion piece chastising Donald Trump for wanting to imprison flag burners.

In another pre-dawn Twitter purge, Donald Trump said our allegedly great democracy should throw flag-burners in jail or strip them of their citizenship.

One might dismiss this as visceral nonsense or just a shiny object for someone with the attention span of a compulsive 8-year-old, or maybe a distraction to keep his list of conflicts out of the news for few hours.

Actually, that tweet should be taken very seriously, not only because he needs to learn about the First and Fourteenth amendments, but because it captures how our next president feels about something as fundamental as freedom of expression.

OK, cool. It’s their right. And they’ve got an endless supply of pixels.

Except, that “freedom of expression” thing doesn’t apply to their comments section.

Here’s what I posted:

How does the SLEB feel about Koran burning?

And Editor in Chief Tommy The Commie Moran deleted it faster than Hillary Clinton erased her email server.

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9 Comments on Lib rag loves flag burners, but deletes questions about Koran burning

  1. I think we need a Equal Burn Act for flag and Koran burning.
    Just keep tabs on every flag that is roasted by some moronic leftist anarchist and we torch a Koran.

    Have a remote camera somewhere with a Koran perched on a conveyor that leads to a furnace.
    You could watch a live feed.
    Flag burned = Koran burned.
    Yes we can!

  2. While I agree that flag burning is a freedom of speech thing, the hypocrisy involved is that the same people who say burning a flag, is freedom but burning a Koran is hate speech then they slobber all over ‘Piss Christ’ as art.
    The inner workings of a Prog brain cannot be fathomed by a rational person.

  3. I reckon I would love to burn a Koran, because Satan/ Allah inspired the Koran. I would be fulfilling my duty as a Christian to fight evil.

    But I’m sure as hell not going to spend good cash money to buy a Koran in order to burn it. Is there a place on the Internets where I could download it, rip it to a CD and then burn the shit outta that cheapass CD?

  4. Amazing how all the liberals whine and cry about their First Amendment rights possibly being infringed, yet they never say shit about the infringement of my Second Amendment rights. As far as New York goes, it’s my First Amendment right to call a fag a fag, and trannys chicks with dicks. If they think they can arrest or fine me, they had better get to it, as I’m looking forward to reducing the surplus population.

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