Liberal Bill Press Defends a Republican?? – IOTW Report

Liberal Bill Press Defends a Republican??

The Hill –

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t condone Hastert’s rumored sexual abuse of a former student, if that’s what happened. But if that student still felt harmed, so many years later, why didn’t he go to the police instead of going to Hastert and hitting him up for hush money? And why hasn’t he been charged with extortion?

Remember, Hastert hasn’t been charged with sexual abuse. He’s been charged with “structuring” — taking out multiple bank withdrawals to avoid federal reporting requirements on large transactions — and then lying to the FBI about it. Ironically, the law against structuring is part of the Patriot Act, which Hastert helped get through Congress.


“At this point,” Barz added, “we don’t know the full story, but it could be after being contacted by the bank about larger withdrawals, Hastert started withdrawing smaller sums, not to hide criminal activity from the government but to hide it from his family, which wouldn’t be criminal.”

One thing’s for sure: If his name were Denny Harris, and not Denny Hastert, these charges would never have been filed. Hastert was charged with federal crimes only because he’s a high-profile politician. And that’s neither just nor fair.



6 Comments on Liberal Bill Press Defends a Republican??

  1. Even if Denny is a pedophile, who are we to judge?
    Maybe that is his true self?
    He loves little kids. Perhaps the little kids aren’t yet sure what gender they are?

    Let’s look at Bruce Jenner.
    Instead of people insisting he needs help, he is being championed for finding his ‘true self’.
    He finally got things right!
    Good for him!

    Maybe Denny just needed to find his true self?
    Who are we to shun or judge pedophiles?


  2. Is Bruce’s finding his true self more important than that he appears to have killed someone last year? I mean one is about feelings, and the other is about a person who will never be with her loved ones ever again on this Earth.

    Ya, I think we know what’s more important to libs. And with Hastert I think we know what’s more important too.

  3. This has been known for some time and was brought out now to get the clinton scandles off the front page. Sen. Menendez criticizes obamas cuba policy and the FBI finds wrongdoing by the senator. It is all about fascist control.

  4. I take offense to this idea:
    “One thing’s for sure: If his name were Denny Harris, and not Denny Hastert, these charges would never have been filed. Hastert was charged with federal crimes only because he’s a high-profile politician. And that’s neither just nor fair.”

    BZZZT. If those who WRITE the laws defining these federal crimes are not held accountable to those standards then WHY SHOULD ANYONE ELSE ?!

    ‘Ignorance of the law’ is lost as a justification and ‘equal justice under the law’ would invalidate any law that is just ‘not just’ for all .

  5. Just a couple of thoughts here:

    1. When last I checked, blackmailing was a crime.
    Has the “former student” been charged with this yet? If not, why not?

    2. Regarding Hastert’s taking the funds out of the bank, he was probably just following the advice of those J.G. Wentworth commercials:
    “It’s your money – use it when YOU need it.”

    ; D

  6. Joe Blow has been charged with the same thing. And remember they guy who had all his money confiscated? He had to prove the money wasn’t guilty of a crime, he had to prove his deposits were not guilty of a crime. The Patriot Act did this.

    There is nothing patriotic about creating huge bureaucracies like the TSA, and Homeland Security. NSA spying, extrajudicial execution of US citizens on the president’s order all due to the Patriot Act. There is so much more.

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