Liberal Group Raising Funds for Hurricane Harvey Victims to Have Abortions – IOTW Report

Liberal Group Raising Funds for Hurricane Harvey Victims to Have Abortions

The Lilith Fund [with a name like that, you know it’s likely up to no good] is post-Harvey fundraising “for women who are seeking an abortion but cannot afford it’ . -gotta raise those death toll figures
“With increased barriers like temporary clinic closures, displacement, loss of homes/vehicles, and more, access to abortion just got even more difficult for those affected by Harvey,” the group wrote.
On the other hand, prolife groups have been working hard to help pregnant and parenting mothers get the help that is needed.

7 Comments on Liberal Group Raising Funds for Hurricane Harvey Victims to Have Abortions

  1. It occurred to me a while back that the people who are most responsible for the growth of PP are the ideological progeny of those who screamed “Baby killer!” at returning Vietnam veterans.

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