Liberal Media Outlets Report on Death of Senator Jim Inhofe by Smearing Him as a ‘Climate Change Denier’ – IOTW Report

Liberal Media Outlets Report on Death of Senator Jim Inhofe by Smearing Him as a ‘Climate Change Denier’


As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier today, Republican Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma has passed away at the age of 89.

While reporting this sad news, multiple liberal media outlets decided to take this opportunity to smear the deceased senator as a ‘climate change denier.’

One person on Twitter/X pointed out that the Washington Post has been kinder to terrorists when reporting their deaths. more

12 Comments on Liberal Media Outlets Report on Death of Senator Jim Inhofe by Smearing Him as a ‘Climate Change Denier’

  1. Tip ‘o the Hat to
    Cmn¢¢guy Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 20:06 at 8:06 pm

    No matter how many facts and science you haul in front of these mentally retarded, uneducated America haters, they deliberately made themselves deaf to it all due to their self-designed hatred.

    I would suggest ripping away their citizenship and banishing them for life out of their self-hated country. It’s the only way to be sure.

  2. The Covid scam was simply the Climate Change scam on a speeded up timeline. I recognized that before April Fools day 2020 and opted myself out. We will see the same conspiracy theory deniers recognized as having been absolutely spot on in their analysis of the Climate Change bullshit in due time. It would have happened by now if the Republican establishment weren’t still making bank exploiting it. The left has but one play book.


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