Liberal Parents to Blame for Mental Illness – IOTW Report

Liberal Parents to Blame for Mental Illness

Washington Examiner

Children who grow up in politically liberal households are more likely to suffer mental health problems than their conservative peers, according to a new study.

An Institute for Family Studies-Gallup report found that “political ideology is one of the strongest predictors” of which caregiving styles a parent adopts, and conservative parents are associated with the best mental health outcomes for their children. More

15 Comments on Liberal Parents to Blame for Mental Illness

  1. We’ve known for a long time that liberalism itself is a mental illness. Now we find out that it’s a quasi-hereditary mental illness.

    I betcha Bobby De Niro’s grand-daddy voted for FDR.

  2. Forgive me for being so bold, but I would place the blame for ALL childhood mental issues with their parents, regardless of their political leanings. Parents lay the foundation and maintain the strength and principles that support sound mental faculties. When those are lacking in the most important locus in the life of the child – the home – all sorts of problems ensue. If one cannot find love, comfort, and stability in the home, one will turn elsewhere, including in aberrant mental directions.

  3. I completely agree with that.

    Conservatives are usually God Believers and consider Jesus to their Savior. This produces better adjusted people who can handle bad situations calmly without collapsing in torrents of tears and irrationally blaming the “Nazi” Trump for everything.

    Young Liberals inherit the fear of their socialist parents which in turn gets reinforced by the fear mongering media, the sick entertainment industry, and rotten anti-American scumbag liberal professors who have been warping the minds of the young for decades.

    They grow up to become socialist wretches who don’t have the means to overcome their fears. Their minds are so twisted they firmly believe that Trump “the Nazi” is the biggest threat to America and ignore the threats from the WEF, The Davos Group, IMF, The Fed, the Global Warming Warriers, the Greenies, The Pinks, and assorted degenerate sections of the population.

  4. Shit libs are more concerned with their first love. Themselves. Kids know. Any concern they have for anyone or anything outside themselves is contingent on if it advances their personal agenda. Doubt me? If having a child in the first place doesn’t advance their personal agenda, they abort the child. It’s all about them. Of course their offspring are affected by just being around the miserable sonsabitches. They are a buzz kill. They make it their mission.

  5. I’m a God fearing republican’t. We can’t possibly get mental illness cause our psychosis is so high it’s off the charts. Good to see there are a lotta wannbe Dr Frankenstein Freuds here. Mentality fit, sure you are, while in your own make-believe universe.

  6. first thing: I have known families where one son sold pot, powders and pills, and the other was an Eagle Scout. One daughter a hooker, the other a drug abuse counselor. it is not necessarily and always the parents.

    second thing: the guy who claims to have invented profiling for the FBI claimed he always knew he had the right guy for a serial killer when he met the mother. he said every schizophrenic male he ever met had the same mother. he referred to these as schizophrenogenic mothers.

    third thing: when I was a boy I kept running into mothers who had “sensitive boys”. every mother of every sensitive boy I ever met was an interchangeable unit. fat, curlers in her hair, wearing a mumu, chain smoker, no man in sight.

    you do not inherit mental illness from your parents. you lern it from them. if you are sufficiently strong willed, you reject the lesson.

  7. Here is my understanding about the mental u-verse Anon lives in (not a complete list):

    Babies are not human, so kill ‘em.
    Sniffer Joe is the best President in history
    Ukraine will win and send Russia back to the Stone Age
    Hamas is made up of sensitive, peace-loving folks who just
    want Israel to be nice and give up their land
    Republicans are Nazis
    Marx, Freud, and Darwin are heroes
    Greenland will melt and flood NYC as high as the Empire State

  8. Liberal parents see their children as possessions, extensions of themselves, using them for social credit, being whatever the parents need them to be at any given moment to garner positive attention from fellow idiots, but mainly as political props, parroting liberal talking points and holding signs with political positions they aren’t old enough to even understand. They don’t stand a chance.


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