Liberals Announce Plan to Crush Normal Americans in a New “Civil War” (Spoiler: It’s Not a Great Plan) – IOTW Report

Liberals Announce Plan to Crush Normal Americans in a New “Civil War” (Spoiler: It’s Not a Great Plan)

Kurt Schlichter/Townhall:

Tech titan Jack Dorsey of San Francisco-based social media platform Twitter applauded an article in something called Medium in which some other hipster CEO described how liberals intend to crush Normal Americans into serfdom in a bloodless “civil war.”

Here it is.


It will just sort of happen. Why? Because. Americans will simply decide to be like California because of reasons and phew, no more troublesome conservatives and Gaia is saved!

So basically, wishing.

Well, that’s a kind of war plan. Perhaps by unleashing the power of hoping so they can utterly subjugate the half of America that voted against Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and drive the people who actually operate and defend this country into silent obedience.

Or not.

Now, I know what you’re saying. You’re saying, “Why do a bunch of San Francisco dorks think that 150 million Americans with 300 million guns are just going to give up their rights and their say in their own governance and submit to the commands of people who eat kale by choice?” That’s a fair question, and they have an answer. more

26 Comments on Liberals Announce Plan to Crush Normal Americans in a New “Civil War” (Spoiler: It’s Not a Great Plan)

  1. Money shot (heh) at the end:
    “They are correct when they say “[i]n this current period of American politics, at this juncture in our history, there’s no way that a bipartisan path provides the way forward.” Yep, true. They are also correct when they observe that, “America today does exhibit some of the core elements that move a society from what normally is the process of working out political differences toward the slippery slope of civil war.” Yep, also true, and it ought to scare the hell out of them.

    If the liberals ever get their wish for a new civil war, my money is on the side with all the guns. “

  2. Why am I visualizing a bunch of geeks sitting around a campfire beating drums and singing kumbaya?
    This guy must be like the fly in the vinegar that thinks he’s in the sweetest place in the world because he has never been anywhere else. Dorsey has surrounded himself with people that think just like him so he thinks everyone thinks like him. Sorry bub, it ain’t gonna happen.

  3. If the US does split up into conservative and liberal sections, the liberals will have to quickly build a wall, but to keep their people in, not to keep us out…

  4. History will call this second civil war: The Riots of 2019.
    Because that is all the Left has the power to do. Throw public tantrums that destroy property.
    This Civil War will only be fought in the media, and a few corners on streets where liberal governments allow it to happen.
    Try that rioting shit in my home town and the Zoot Suit wars will be fought again with the same results.

  5. If you want to kill a snake chop it’s head off! If I was a disseminator of lies and leftist propaganda like the mainstream press I would be getting my burrow dug. They’ll be getting a lot of attention if this goes off.

  6. Start by boycotting the California produce industry. Not much of their economy in reality, but the state would be forced to still allow the illegals who work in it to stay.let the libtards eat shit while the vagrants eat cake on their tax dime.

  7. Two thoughts. First, the liberal areas, which are primarily the urban areas, are collapsing into third world status. Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc. have massive problems and are in danger of collapsing economically, and the liberals aren’t going to have a bloodless coup when everyone can see the results of their policies.

    Second, we are a warlike people. The founding fathers started a revolution against the greatest military force in the world at the time and won. Then we went after pirates, fought another war against the British, invaded Mexico, decided to fight ourselves, went to war with Spain, invaded Mexico again looking for bandits, went into parts of the Caribbean, trundled over to Europe to fight Germany, went back a few years later to fight Germany again and took on Japan as well, went to Korea and then Vietnam, had some excursions in Grenada and Panama, blasted some armies in the middle east, etc. etc. We are a strange warlike people – we get in wars and then generally give the territory back – but still a warlike people none-the-less.

    There is literally nothing in our history to indicate that average Americans will submit to totalitarian despots. I’m not advocating, predicting or hoping for any kind of civil war, but a bloodless coup is out of the question given our history and makeup.

  8. “a bloodless coup is out of the question given our history and makeup.”

    “Progressives” are well on the way to a bloodless coup.
    The aftermath may not be so bloodless.

  9. Wishful thinking. The author assumes too much. People left California for Texas, Nevada, etc. Invading Yankees have made Virginia un-recognizable. But if we run out of places to go, we Americans just might push back. And that’s when it will get ugly.

  10. Lemme see; side with gun totin’ America loving Christians who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights who are blazing through Faggotville in jacked up pickups full of heavily armed red necks, or side with girly men, who adore Castro, Che, and Maduro, cruising through town on bicycles and Priuses full of bumper stickers. Hmmm…

  11. “California is thriving right now, the economy is booming, state government budgets are setting aside surpluses … ”

    Somebody did a lot of acid back in the ’60’s.

  12. Right people are going to just submit and finally accept CA politics are the way to go. Apparently these wealthy libs in their bubbles have missed the last of the middle class in their own state are revolting against being a sanctuary state.

  13. There is one way something like this might actually succeed…maybe. That would be to do it to the country in sections, AFTER having shut down the internet and other comms to restrict flow of information about what’s going on. Depending on the areas they focus on first, they could conceivably take a considerable amount of ground before everybody else catches on. Then you’re going to be left with warring states with fairly defined lines.

  14. This reminds me of something I read about the American car industry in the early ’70’s at their offices in Detroit. If you worked for one of the big three you had better drive one of the big three, so the parking lots were filled with American cars. Every day mechanics would go through the cars of the big honchos tightening every nut and bolt and making sure that everything was perfect in the car, so the bosses did not realize how poorly made their products really were. Consequently, the big bosses thought that everything was fine. They did not believe that the parking lots at their California offices were being filled with more and more Japanese and other foreign cars. When the crunch finally hit the bosses in Detroit were taken completely by surprise.

    They way the tech bosses in Silicone Valley are acting shows that they are just like the Detroit bosses of the early ’70’s. They live in their little cocoons, oblivious to the real world. Not only are the numbers NOT on their side, but neither is the resolve to win when the going gets tough.

    They will be in for a rude awakening.

  15. Ummm ….. by my reckoning, if 150 million Americans own guns that would be something like 1.2 Billion guns……… and we won’t bother discussing ammunition.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  16. Psalm 58:10 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
    Psalm 75:10 All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.

  17. How about this, all the hard working tax paying conservatives that support these scum sucking maggots close their businesses quit paying taxes that support this scum and we wait for them to starve to death then we can just kill off the rich lib survivors!


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