Liberals Need A Good SLAPP – IOTW Report

Liberals Need A Good SLAPP

Daniel Payne at the Federalist discusses the many ways Liberals have used the legal system to punish their opponents with costly legal cases both civil and criminal.  He recommends that Congress pass a federal Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation law (SLAPP) to put an end to these abuses.

9 Comments on Liberals Need A Good SLAPP

  1. One thing California has done right is enacting SLAPP legislation. It is one of the few arrows an employer has in its defense arsenal in employment, civil rights, wrongful termination lawsuits. I can’t think of the second thing done right.

  2. Put me down in the Yea column.

    Every damn day I have to waste the time of myself, my litigants, and the jurists in my court by filing frivolous lawsuits. The frivolity can be for many reasons–duplicatation, lack of litigant jurisdiction, lack of physical jurisdiction, lack of subject jurisdiction–but section 216(c)3 of the Family Court Act of 1965 says I have to accept the filings. We are even now accepting refiling of petitions that had previously been denied WITH prejudice. And while I’m wasting my time with this nonsense, the waiting area is crammed with women who are black and blue because their boyfriends are beating the living daylights out of them, and they need to file for Orders of Protection.

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