Libertarian Candidate Austin Petersen – IOTW Report

Libertarian Candidate Austin Petersen

18 Comments on Libertarian Candidate Austin Petersen

  1. In such a “free”,
    there wouldn’t BE any
    “gay marriages.”

    (…and, The State should stay out of it, right?!?)

  2. Hillary Clinton

    I believe in a world where gay married couples are free to till their marijuana fields with the labor of illegal aliens who receive SSI benefits and to fertilize those fields with ground up human fetuses.

  3. I believe in a world where people acknowledge libertarianism as being used to further promote lawlessness and iniquity, thus see it as the erosive long-term threat to the social cohesion and liberty it claims to defend.

    Well, I’d like to believe in such a world.

  4. Ten-Ten,
    Unfortunately, it’s not just you. Despite the fact that no one actually knows how many laws there even are in this country, every year hundreds if not thousands more are added.

    So, does that mean last year we were in “anarchy”? Or was it the year before? At what point were we, in fact, in “anarchy”? How much more intrusion into the private lives of citizens is needed to protect us from the dreaded “anarchy”?

    Leaving consenting adults alone to do as they please on their own property seems a lot like the idea behind Constitution. It’s supposed to protect people from busy bodies who want to impose their world view on others via the legal system.

    The argument that anything less than government enforcing “morality” is “anarchy” is as wrong as saying anything less than being the world police is “isolationism”.

    If not for their open borders plank I’d join the Libertarian party. But betraying the national sovereignty negates the good points they make. But then, at least they’ve got the balls to put it in their platform while the GOP just lies about it.

  5. JustAl – I agree. The Gubmint has become tyrannical and must be reigned in. But many so-called Libertarians would reject any form of Ordered Liberty as intrusive.

  6. A big problem with forked tongue libertarians is the leaders support the very groups they love to hate. At their early beginnings CPUSA member and Soviet Emma Goldman, Black Panther Party, Weather Underground, Peter Theil (a member of the Bilderberg group, Mises-is infested with radical thinking Islamic authors, Ron Paul accepted money from neo-Nazi Stormfront, KKK and Christian Reconstructionist, Chris North. Folks, it just doesn’t get any more government control than those people. Just wonder if 90% of Libertarians want to get in power just to legalize dope and get high.

    Freedom is not doing anything you want to do, but doing what is the right thing to do. Tyrannical governments are a very ugly thing but so is anarchy and uncontrolled goofy potheads controlling the streets..

  7. “Leaving consenting adults alone to do as they please on their own property seems a lot like the idea behind Constitution.”
    – JustAl

    Riiiiiiiiight…because the Founding Fathers
    were such

    This is the textbook example of
    the rose-colored glasses, almost-hippie-like
    masturbatory self-image
    libertarians have of themselves.

  8. TO Joan

    IGNORE “Just Al”
    He clearly knows NOTHING about American history, but ALOT about propagandizing for a delusional ideology.

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