“License to swill”- James Bond Is A Drunk, Say Experts – IOTW Report

“License to swill”- James Bond Is A Drunk, Say Experts

knbc news 9

A new study published in the Medical Journal of Australia, says Bond displayed, “severe alcohol use disorder” over the course of six decades and 24 movies. The study authors found that in his entire onscreen career, Bond drank 109 times. His most excessive outing, when he downed six Vespers and raised his blood alcohol level to approximately .36 grams per deciliter in “Quantum of Solace,” was “enough to kill some people,” they noted. More



42 Comments on “License to swill”- James Bond Is A Drunk, Say Experts

  1. Next month’s journal report is on Wylie Coyote and his bipolar disorder, megalomania and suicidal tendencies combined with an unhealthy psychotic fixation on one particular roadrunner.

  2. Didn’t Maxwell Smart have some sort of pill that absorbed alcohol so he wouldn’t get drunk? Worked pretty good as I recall, until he accidently swallowed the pill.

  3. His drinking might kill a … weak … person… certainly he never used protection while boffing Pussy Galore … or Miss. Moneypenny … which is only conjecture of course… A good match would be Chuck Norris and James Bond…

  4. Didn’t some harridan M in one of the more recent Bond movies yell at Bond about all his drinking, womanizing, and murdering? I think it was “Scoldfinger”. Could be wrong.

  5. This study is from Oz. Oz may not be where alcoholism was invented, but it is where it’s been refined into a high art.

    I suspect this study is a result of jealousy. A drinking game was played, the Aussies couldn’t keep up with Bond (CRIKEY! ROBBOS DED!) so they release this sham of a report in a fit of pique.

    Shame, alky Aussies, SHAME!

  6. What people used to call and accept as a “drinking man”.
    A lot of them came back from WWII and built our world.
    When the dreams started bothering them too bad, they
    drank. Then they went out and built some more.

  7. What people used to call and accept as a “drinking man”.
    A lot of them came back from WWII and built our world.
    When the dreams started bothering them too bad, they
    drank. Then they went out and built some more.
    I believe Ian Flemming was on the Dieppe raid and
    stayed involved in behind the lines action for the
    entire War. OF COURSE HE DRANK.

    sorry about the double up.

  8. With the junk Hollywood is coming out with now, maybe some character mash-ups would work out.

    Like James Bond and Wile E. Coyote. There’s comedy gold in them thar hills.

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