LIDA DIANTI – USC Student, Dunce – IOTW Report

LIDA DIANTI – USC Student, Dunce


USC has a program called “I Too Am USC,” which compartmentalizes various minority groups and encourages them to sit around on social media and swap stories, mostly fairy tales, about how they are oppressed.

When a College Republican President attempted to create an “I Too Am USC” group he was attacked by Lida “Dunce” Dianti who was upset because white males do not have any authentic struggle.

Wouldn’t being attacked and prevented from joining in a college initiative because of who you are constitute a struggle? I’m not sure what struggles Dianti has incurred that rival this exclusion. Maybe she should list them.

College Fix

This type of ignorance does nothing but reinforce oppressive boundaries and further isolate USC students from one another.

By labeling themselves as a “minority” for the case of argument, the USC College Republicans are appropriating experiences of systemic racism, sexism and classism onto that of their own false struggle. They do so with the use of tongue-in-cheek diction and memes to belittle such appropriation. Instead of apologizing for their racist and uncalled-for statements, these students continue to fight on for discrimination and still have the audacity to cry out for inclusion.

Ellenhorn has since penned a response, a copy of which has been provided to The College Fixas well as sent in to the Trojan:

Dear Editor,

In an article posted on Aug 19, 2015 by the Daily Trojan, opinion writer Lida Dianti offers a personal, defamatory and thinly veiled anti-semitic attack directed at me.

I am viciously slandered as racist, elitist, entitled, and privileged. Ms. Dianti freely hurls out the age old anti-Semitic canard, of the Jew controlling money. Ms. Dianti, spins my concern for how tuition dollars are spent as a primitive fixation on money. This language contributes to the article’s use of anti-Semitic tropes that portrays the Jew as a scheming usurer.

I will not allow Ms. Dianti to disregard valid points about intellectual diversity on our campus. The fact is that Left Wing Privilege turns up the volume on marginalized voices. Those like me, who offer diversity of thought, are not only mocked but are threatened with calls to “slap me upside my head” simply because I too am part of USC, like it or not.

The online vitriol directed at me, with anti-Semitic overtones, will not silence me. In fact, I have decided to do exactly the same thing members who revel in Left Wing Privilege have done. I demand that Ms. Dianti issue an apology for using language steeped in micro aggressions. I also demand that the university take formal action against those who have threatened me with violence on Facebook. And finally I demand that conservative voices like mine be a part of the I Too Am USC Campaign.

Dianti disregards my valid points about intellectual diversity on our campus, and campuses across our country, and instead chooses to focus on what she calls my “privileged background” while ignoring the fact that she enjoys Left Wing Privilege. Instead of focusing on the valid points I made, Ms. Dianti chose to engage in rhetoric that is intellectually dishonest, defamatory, and anti-Semitic. Those who enjoy Left Wing Privilege simply ignore the fact that conservatives are very sensitive to the difficulties marginalized groups have endured and continue to endure. Conservatives believe that there is a remedy for this marginalization but that remedy should not include perpetual self victimization, self segregation, and demonization of “others” that are perceived as non marginalized groups.

Something needs to change. I will not stand down. Thank you, Jacob Ellenhorn

Ellenhorn shows courage in the face of enormous pressure. USC should allow the campus-funded “I Too Am USC” to showcase conservatives who are marginalized and attacked, but the only “oppression” such leaders are interested in advancing comes from a leftist perspective.

26 Comments on LIDA DIANTI – USC Student, Dunce

  1. The key with Leftist ideologues like these is to understand that they will not change. They will never accept your point of view, or any that differs from theirs. But these people are out of reach anyhow – the people that can make a difference are those who vote (and sometimes voting means with one’s pocketbook). Where the leftist ideologues are of value is the totalitarian way they argue. Use it to your advantage, and recognize that you are speaking to the public in that particular forum, not to the person you appear to be addressing.

  2. She looks like a MAJOR HIGH MAINTENANCE BITCH! Attractive in an authoritarian way, but still attractive. She wouldn’t put up with the likes of me for more than a few minutes.

  3. All this shit will end when TSHTF economic collape occurs. Once they actually have to learn how to survive and actually DO something they will cease this tomfoolery.
    Those with morals will straighten up and start working.
    Those without will either prostitute themselves, or begin taking…neither of which will be tolerated for very long.
    By the way – the hate in that face can never be hidden with makeup.

  4. I see her native tongue is Farsi which means she has most likely been repeatedly raped by her uncles, cousins, brothers, father, and villagers. So ill go easy on her.

  5. Anorexic/bulimic, self absorbed, ego protected and of course Teflon coated… any cogent argument/points directed at her that are not congruent with her preconceived biases will just slide right off her….. and into the toilet she is puking into….

  6. Yes, she is. Ugly nose, ugly ears, stupid eyebrows, a forehead you could land a jet on, a pointy chin you could plow with and a dead, vacant look in her eyes. She’s so stupid she thinks the big ugly glasses make her look smart.

  7. She’s a jihadist operative masquerading (taqiyya) as a leftist millennial who can’t disguise her visceral hatred of Jews and anyone supporting freedom. The USC Republicans need to keep up the pressure.

  8. Seems a lot of cultural problems could be nipped in the bud were colleges to stop inculcating the down with the struggle mentality. it would probably decimate a fair number of tenured professor’s reason for being, not to mention the entire racket constructed around not-teaching.

  9. I love it when the Prog’Tards get caught in a trap of their own making, rub their noses in it. But with the Prog’Tard’s gift of DoubleThink (holding two or more mutually exclusive concepts at the same time and thinking both are true), they’ll never “get it”.

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