Lies Continue: Joe Biden Says People in America Are Being Thrown Out of Restaurants For Being Gay (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Lies Continue: Joe Biden Says People in America Are Being Thrown Out of Restaurants For Being Gay (VIDEO)

Station Gossip: Joe and Jill Biden on Saturday hosted a ‘pride month’ celebration picnic on the South Lawn at the White House.

Biden’s speech was full of gaffes and bizarre stories.

Joe Biden again told the story about seeing “two well dressed men standing on the corner” kissing each other decades ago in Wilmington, Delaware.

Of course this never happened.

After mumbling through his speech, Biden wandered off and disappeared.

Dr. Jill shouted at Joe Biden to come back to the stage after he disappeared in the middle of the pride event.

Biden made his way back to the stage and continued to lie and make things up. more

23 Comments on Lies Continue: Joe Biden Says People in America Are Being Thrown Out of Restaurants For Being Gay (VIDEO)

  1. Or, if you’re Ron White, for wearing a ball cap in New York City.

    Joe, you need to sit on the commode for a few more minutes each time. Your socks are stinking.

  2. “Lies Continue”

    …as long as the lie about Pedo Joe being a legitimate president contines, you cannot be surprised that all the other lies continue as well…

  3. Its like He is talking to Pedo directly.

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

  4. @ PHenry AT 3:17 PM

    Are you insinuating that it just might not be chocolate pudding under the Starbucks barista who is handing you your latte’s finger nails?

  5. Christians also tossed off a public sidewalk and arrested for reciting a bible verse across the street from a faggot event while fags clap and cheer because “disrespecting” the alphabet mob is now a crime.

    Heterophobia is a fear enforced by cops and you’re required to embrace.

  6. There is a cowboy in Omak WA that is as queer as a steer. Everyone knows the score there. You want to know who was the most pissed off and had a group of Vancouver BC homosexuals thrown out of the restaurant at the casino for their BEHAVIOR and permanently banned from ever stepping foot on the property? It was him. The guy is a hood hand, I’ve never heard anyone say a bad word about the guy and if he works for anyone they appreciate him and a good way to get your ass fired is to piss him off. He can get hired on at any ranch in central Washington immediately.

    It is nothing short of a damn shame that defamatory comments like this worthless piece of shit habitually make are not met with someone hauling his ass outside and rag dolling him.

  7. Meanwhile, Christians are chased out of restaurants on a routine basis.
    Look up “Sarah Huckabee Sanders Red Hen Restaurant”. I won’t provide a link because they are all lamestream news websites.

  8. The best possible restaurant location would be on the lip of an active volcano in case gay people show up.

    It would have 150 thousand dollar guard dogs prowling around it.

    Black people would have to fight each other on rafts in the caldera lava star wars style for take out.


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