Life as a Trump-Supporting Female in Manhattan – IOTW Report

Life as a Trump-Supporting Female in Manhattan

As that rarest of species in Manhattan – a single female and therapist who supports the policies of Donald Trump – I am routinely informed by my dates and peers that, in addition to my common, domestic lifestyle, I am “destroying the world.”

Finding someone whom I can share my life with is a priority, and I am on a mainstream dating site.  After a favorable email exchange with a divorced guy, things moved to a phone conversation.  He asked what I do.  I said I am a therapist.  We talked about our mutual interest in running, and I said that if I got accepted to run N.Y. again, I would train on the treadmill while listening to Trump’s speeches.  I said that would be Nirvana. He then said the president is guilty of genocide for what he is “doing” to the caravan people.  I said I see it differently but that I am sympathetic and heartbroken still over Elián González and that having to face Janet Reno in the middle of the night was pretty cruel.  He then said we are not a match, that people like me are destroying the world – but wished me luck and then said, “Lord help us” before hanging up on me.

Since our president was elected, I’ve experienced a daily routine occurrence where verbal pellets are shot at me from all corners of my life whenever I am brave enough to reveal my agreement with much of our president’s agenda – if the person I am communicating with doesn’t agree.

“I question your ability to have true empathy,” says the fellow therapist at a workshop.

“Oh, it’s because you lived in Texas that time with your aunt as a child,” says my grandmother’s cousin, a doctor, sounding as if she discovered the cause of my unfortunate diagnosis.

“Check, please,” says the divorced guy I sat down with at a coffee shop.

“I don’t understand how you can call yourself an American and still support what this man is doing,” says another date.  “I think you need to remember who Adolf Hitler was,” says my very ex-date, a psychologist in private practice.  That one made the rhythm stop as I looked at this person sitting across from me. I regained my composure enough to respond as follows: “When you make a comparison between two people, it helps when the people have a significant, legitimate commonality.  Do you, as an educated, employed person, see factual commonality?”

He replied, “You’re an awful Jew and a disappointment to your people.”  Keep Reading

16 Comments on Life as a Trump-Supporting Female in Manhattan

  1. Sometimes, you just have to give up looking. Accept your fate and make the best of it as you can. Sure, you will have times of agonizing loneliness, but the crap you are going through now isn’t worth it!

    Oh, and don’t believe the lie that when you stop looking for your desires, that’s when you will find them. Baloney. Just deal with being single and make lots of real friends. They will be there you when you need them.

    – Advice from one crazy cat lady! Hahahahahaha

  2. Somewhat similar to this story about the armchair anthropologists on the left, pointy toothed cannibal savage Fareed Zakaria is calling for abolishing the Senate on the same grounds as his hilarious diagnosis of the country immediately after Trump’s win:

    CNN hosts Fareed Zakaria and Don Lemon expressed their frustration with the electoral map and the structure of Congress, calling the Constitutional concept of equal representation in the U.S. Senate a “structural problem.”

    In a Washington Post op-ed, Zakaria weighed in on the “new dividing line in Western politics,” which he describes is the “less-educated rural populations” he calls “Outsiders’” who “feel ignored or looked down upon” and “feel deep resentment towards metropolitan elites.”


    No word yet on why responsible states should be ruled by California which is $1,300,000,000,000.00 in debt.

    Maybe he’s arguing for literacy tests and poll taxes too.

  3. Claudia…”Oh, and don’t believe the lie that when you stop looking for your desires, that’s when you will find them.” Boy ain’t that the truth. Life just doesn’t work that way. But after being single for many years I can see that I dodged a lot of silly drama.

  4. ““I question your ability to have true empathy,” says the fellow therapist at a workshop.”

    You show me so much as a single one of these phony baloney Utopian statist/progs who has a smidgen of sincerity… Give me a Goddamn break.

    It has been my experience that if one constantly wears their heart on their sleeve, openly showing their feelings or emotions they are almost always engaged in virtue signaling and rarely are interested anything other than to give themself something to brag or boast about.

  5. Ole Pamela could find The Man in about five minutes. She just needs to be frank (“I don’t abide fools, ie, liberals. I adore Trump”) and other, more personal stuff.

    “I like pina coladas and walks in the rain….” is stupid. Make the ad a pointed and personal essay. Make it designed to exclude — without effort — the men she does not want to apply. …..Lady in Red

  6. It’s amazing how people like us throughout our lives {until recently} held perfectly normal views. Now what was rational then is fringe now according to the popular trends. My views were developed through rational and reasoned analysis threw a lifetime and I can support them with mountains of evidence. So I’m not about to shift my thinking to gain the approval of people hungering for the shallow acceptance of the trendy.

  7. I heard there was a small diner not too far from the old Astoria where all five of the conservatives in Manhattan gather for coffee.

    I won’t name the place because the leftists would firebomb it.

    Good luck guys!

  8. She’s going after the wrong “men” Instead of these limp wristed “intellectuals” She should be looking at a real man. A man in a trade, Plumber, Carpenter, Electrician. Most of the ones I know are republican and/or Conservative, and they are not wishy washy little sophists who sit on a fainting couch all day and weep. Those to me are little shits that I have no respect for and since I live not far from Manhattan, I know what I’m talking about
    I’ll take a man in dusty work boots over and “intellectual” any day of the week

  9. This woman is clearly not conservative. She sounds like a Kennedy liberal. More evidence of her liberal leanings is the fact she’s seeking companionship with leftists – What?! How futile.
    If she keeps dating leftists, she’ll never find anyone compatible. The left are lunatic.

    Another thing, her theory that the left are frustrated, haggard parents dealing with President Trump, like he’s an out of control teen is way off.
    Her assumption these leftist “parents” are decent, moral people with the best interest at heart is naive. Most leftist parents are far from great caregivers.

    In fact, the more realistic scenario is the left is the rebellious teen acting out criminal, anti-social, deviant, narcissist, anarchist and socialist behaviors.
    The diligent, caring parenthood is actually President Trump, restoring as much stability possible to keep the country (family) functioning despite the rebellious teen behavior of the left.
    This woman needs to get a clue.


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