Life Expectancy Statistics Have Gone Down in U.S. Because of Third World Culture – IOTW Report

Life Expectancy Statistics Have Gone Down in U.S. Because of Third World Culture

Black teens shooting each other have lowered life expectancy statistics. Third World imports that bring diseases once eradicated in the U.S. also impact stats.

People who smoke, drink beer, don’t work and eat like shit all day, tend to die younger.

Drug overdoses lowers life expectancy.

Let’s see. I’m not a black thug. I don’t smoke. I don’t drink in excess. I’m not fat. I don’t do drugs. Oh, and I didn’t take the clot shot. That’s a biggie.

This story does SCARE ME, like it’s supposed to.

10 Comments on Life Expectancy Statistics Have Gone Down in U.S. Because of Third World Culture

  1. Almost 40% of the difference was the result of higher COVID death rates among men BECAUSE MEN ARE ALREADY PRONE TO HEART PROBLEMS AND THE CLOT SHOT, NOT COVID, ACTS AS A CARDIAC DEATH MULTIPLIER.

  2. While all those things you mentioned above are contributing factors, how about the mental health angle? Anxiety, despair, fear, apathy, no purpose in life, all these are making folks beyond surly, and many are just giving up.

    Your typical American sees an inefficient malevolent government that is out to get them, they see an out-of-control invasion at the border, an educational system that indoctrinates students to hate their country and all white men, a total lack of integrity and honesty in all our leaders, and a culture that foments racial hatred, encourages indolence and stupidity, and is actively working to tear down the social fabric that made the country great.

    Add to this a generation of males that are belittled, marginalized, and labeled as all potential rapists, from an equal generation of women that are mean, unhappy and not at all pleasant to be around.

    In essence, too many people believe life sucks is not worth pursuing.

  3. Lots of other factors contribute to the low birth rate and life expectancy of Americans – the only group who have a life affirming, liberating, freedom loving effect on the world, aka representing the American dream.

    Here are some frightening aspects that are causing the decline of American citizens.
    Third worlders and their illegal counterparts living in America procreate like rabbits and they don’t have abortions every three months like most American blacks and some American whites. Usually, their kids die prematurely from neglect/abuse, disease, or gangs. Hate to say it, but at least they let their kids get a chance to live.

    Marxists are pushing castration for American teens boys and sterilization for teen girls so the transgender agenda can be actualized for most teens in America.

    On top of that, leftist have turned most American black people into criminalized degenerates willing to do anything the left tells them to do. Neglective black American fathers are mostly absent from black homes and a lot of the mothers are dikes, submitted to another woman (gay or straight) or completely checked out – could be drugs or alcohol etc.

    American white teens hate themselves and want to sacrifice their future for any globalist cause that weakens The United States. Obsessed with a culture that teaches them nothing but communist activism, anti- American ideologies, self destructive behavior. Their parents are misguided narcissists, supporting destructive leftist policies.

    The Deep State has political vices on all government arenas from the White House to local political offices. They own and destroy blue states and threatening red states in partnership with technocrats, crony businesses practices and socialist/communist doctrines.

    Bleak as all these factors are, the only hope for America is God and the remnant of patriots still in the fight. The Founding Fathers left us
    the constitutional example of how to overcome beyond impossible odds. Just pray it’s not too late.


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