Life in a Gynocracy – IOTW Report

Life in a Gynocracy


American Thinker/Clarice Feldman

The performance of women this week – from Senator Dianne Feinstein to Christine Blasey Ford to the howling mobs on Capitol Hill – made me seriously consider surgically altering my sex.  They are demanding special treatment because of their sex and in the process placing all of us – male and female alike – at peril of witch hunts against men and then, in time, against all who will not bow to their rule.

My Facebook friend Alex Bensky reminded me of the advantage to me of transgendering:

Ah, then we’d be unable to criticize your politics, your social viewpoints, your choice of teams to root for, and anything else you say because we’d be transphobic.

‪As a footnote, I’ve seen an estimate that the transgender population is about 0.05% of the population.  This is hardly a warrant for beating up people but it is not clear to me why unless we substantially alter social arrangements that have existed in almost every known human society and celebrate…not just accept but celebrate…transgenderism, we are mean, hateful people.

Victor Davis Hanson offered up the most succinct summary of Blasey Ford’s testimony:

The “process” of memorializing Ford’s testimony involved a strange inversion of constitutional norms: The idea of a statute of limitations is ossified; hearsay is legitimate testimony; inexact and contradictory recall is proof of trauma, and therefore of validity; the burden of proof is on the accused, not the accuser; detail and evidence are subordinated to assumed sincerity; proof that one later relates an allegation to another is considered proof that the assault actually occurred in the manner alleged; motive is largely irrelevant; the accuser establishes the guidelines of the state’s investigation of the allegations; and the individual allegation gains credence by cosmic resonance with all other such similar allegations.

Unless, however, you do not want to transgender, I want to note how we came to such a place, a place both ridiculous and dangerous.

I want you to pay attention to the distortions of language and statistics used to advance the gynocrats’ agenda.  See here

h/t Really Enraged.

12 Comments on Life in a Gynocracy

  1. Good news is that the best of the female gender you wont see acting hysterically. Generally, liberals like to act up and draw attention to themselves because their lunacy tells them that the are smart and have something important to say.

    They are to civil society what tequila is to dating.

  2. It is time to make men and women equal by legislating that all men and women have equal rights and men no longer have a legal responsibility to care for them!
    No alimony or child support! The one that gets the kids is solely responsible for their care and to meet their needs (unless the’both’ agree that it is to be a joint responsibility-equally shared)!

  3. I’m going to recuse myself on commenting on this one.
    Many years ago I made a comment, during a discussion, of being tired of dealing with ‘hormonal robots.’
    I still remember that day.

  4. A gynocracy would cycle through three primary phases while it lasted…

    1. Hysterical witch hunts.
    2. Brain-dead self-sabotage.
    3. Mating season, where the worst men in the society get laid by multiple women, who later accuse them of rape.

    …These cycles last until a muslim horde sweeps across the borders, recruits virtually every young man in the gynocracy, and then proceeds to murder, rape, and pillage the entire leadership caste.

  5. @TheMule October 1, 2018 at 4:24 pm

    > until a muslim horde sweeps across the borders, recruits virtually every young man in the gynocracy, and then proceeds to murder, rape, and pillage the entire leadership caste

    So, happy ending.

  6. @TheMule:

    1. Gynodingbats take over a majority of government bodies and corporate boardrooms.

    2. All social behavior of men is hence prescribed by women.

    3. Men vacate positions of leadership and production throughout society.

    4. Birthrate collapses. Society collapses.

    5. Tribalism returns among survivors – ruled by men who are fed-up with women. “Make me a sammich, bitch, or die!”

    6. Hundreds of years elapse before next industrial civilization.


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