Life Insurance CEO Sounds the Alarm on “excess deaths” Among Working Age Adults – IOTW Report

Life Insurance CEO Sounds the Alarm on “excess deaths” Among Working Age Adults

The Hill

Currently, since Feb. 1, 2020, the CDC estimates there have been 942,431 excess deaths in the U.S. 

That’s a staggering amount, as J Scott Davison, CEO of insurance company OneAmerica, explained during a health care conference organized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce this week. Davison said that his company is seeing the highest death rates now than he’s ever seen before since he started in the insurance business.  

OneAmerica offers employers across the country group life insurance, which generally covers people 18 to 64-years-old. More

Tucker Carlson repeated the alarm last night. Watch

13 Comments on Life Insurance CEO Sounds the Alarm on “excess deaths” Among Working Age Adults

  1. Back in early 2021, I recall listening to Dr. Malone speak about the mRNA and how we would see thousands dying within a year – 6 months to a year. He was spot on. Frighteningly scary and since then Dr. McCullough, Dr. Thira Woratanarat, and others have sounded the alarm on the death jab. So, the second and third wave will be coming around soon and all they’ll be is a statistic. No backlash, no lawsuits, maybe you were a victim of suicide. I think that’s what the insurance companies are going to call it so they won’t pay out due to you killing yourself. The jab was strictly voluntary and experimental. That is their defense. Suck it up as they say.

  2. “Suck it up as they say” = somtimes you just have to swallow
    I can’t remember if it was the vice president or the infamous dr. jill that said that. Probably both have said that, though in different settings.

  3. “It is possible that fear of seeking out health care during the pandemic or misattribution of causes of death from COVID-19 are responsible for a majority of the excess non-COVID-19 deaths,” said Meredith S. Sheils, a senior investigator in the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch of the National Cancer Institute.

  4. You know the left will blame it on the unvaxxed. And the obfuscation of the truth of the matter will be everyone’s enemy. Even to the morons on the left that want all this to happen. Not knowing they’ll be tossed aside if they get their way.

    As a child I saw the 1A as a concept and never experienced a lack of it. I took it for granted. Amazing how important that amendment is.

  5. GRAPHENE OXIDE is going to kill millions of fools too lazy to do their own research before taking the suicide jab. Some of the vaccine was saline solution, virtually harmless. Hope you were lucky enough to get the harmless version.

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