Life With Middle Schoolers – IOTW Report

Life With Middle Schoolers

h/t Little Sis

8 Comments on Life With Middle Schoolers

  1. LOL there are so many truths in that it’s crazy! 😂😂😂

    The way the get all squirmy and don’t want to talk on the phone to adults – my son won’t even make a pizza order, it’s so ridiculous!

    Oh and yes – I caught him laying in bed doing his zoom class and he confessed he’d also fallen asleep and missed a chunk of the class. And the whinging when I insisted he get out of bed and that I wanted to hear what the teacher was saying. You’d have thought I was torturing him!

  2. LOL!
    My now-adult son pulled the “I need to build a solar system, can we go to JoAnn Fabrics now, it’s due tomorrow” one on me! And his delivery was pretty much as in this video. I can laugh now


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