Lighten Up, Francis – IOTW Report

Lighten Up, Francis

Francis Fukuyama In The New York Times

The world thus looks very different from the way it did roughly 30 years ago, when the former Soviet Union collapsed. There were two key factors I underestimated back then โ€” first, the difficulty of creating not just democracy, but also a modern, impartial, uncorrupt state; and second, the possibility of political decay in advanced democracies.

The American model has been decaying for some time. Since the mid-1990s, the countryโ€™s politics have become increasingly polarized and subject to continuing gridlock, which has prevented it from performing basic government functions like passing budgets. There were clear problems with American institutions โ€” the influence of money in politics, the effects of a voting system increasingly unaligned with democratic choice โ€” yet the country seemed to be unable to reform itself. More

Fukuyama’s piece reads like the observations of a man blind in one eye, the eye that would normally see the corruption, violence and betrayal to the nation on the left. Unfortunately, this is part of the problem. – Dr. Tar

13 Comments on Lighten Up, Francis

  1. What our seventh grade columnist doesn’t get is:
    1. We are NOT a democracy.
    2. Our system of government was actually designed to create gridlock.

    If money and power could be removed from the equation it would be mo better.

  2. The photo that goes with the opinion is a burning American flag. That’s a leftist stunt. Despite that, the NYT audience will love reading about how Trump attacked the US.


  3. You’re exactly right about Lincoln. Say what you will about the murderous scum, he sure knew how to quash a rebellion. I can only hope that if by some act of God, Trump actually makes it back to the WH, he uses Lincoln’s absolute disregard of criticism to ferret out(and hang) a couple 1,000 traitors.

    He can start with Brennan, Rice, Comey and Obama.

  4. “There were two key factors I underestimated back then โ€” first, the difficulty of creating not just democracy, but also a modern, impartial, uncorrupt state …”

    “Underestimated” my ass. You cannot “create” a democracy – it is the result of an evolutionary social process – and should be avoided at all costs. It is the establishment of mob rule and is anathematic to Freedom, Liberty, and Justice.

    And there has NEVER been an “impartial, uncorrupt state” modern or ancient.
    Pure sophistry.

    Craft a straw man and then attack President Trump and his supporters – shameless.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Psycho : The name’s Francis Soyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I’ll kill you.

    Leon : Ooooooh.

    Psycho : You just made the list, buddy. And I don’t like nobody touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I’ll kill you. Also, I don’t like nobody touching me. Now, any of you homos touch me, and I’ll kill you.

    Sergeant Hulka : Lighten up, Francis.

  6. @MMinWA January 8, 2022 at 3:34 am

    > if by some act of God, Trump actually makes it back to the WH, he uses Lincolnโ€™s absolute disregard of criticism to ferret out(and hang) a couple 1,000 traitors

    If he hangs a few thousand “traitors” (those devoutly loyal to The United States government, against the American people), who will keep his fake money billions too big to fail?

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