Lightfoot Considering Licensing Police Officers – IOTW Report

Lightfoot Considering Licensing Police Officers

Chicago Sun Times

Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Tuesday embraced the idea of licensing police officers as she strives to appease those clamoring for reform after George Floyd’s death, but without defunding the Chicago Police Department. More

23 Comments on Lightfoot Considering Licensing Police Officers

  1. They’ve taken over a 6 block area of Seattle as a cop no-go zone and in Minneapolis took over a Sheraton Hotel to use as headquarters. And the city councils are fine with that and all of them will be re-elected by fools.

  2. They’re not licensed? Every Peace Officer in Texas is Licensed by the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement(TCOLE). I can’t believe Illinois doesn’t have a similar organization.

  3. …this is actually funny to me because Ohio HAS a licensure for police officers that requires you at LEAST test out of the State Certification to legally be a PO.

    All of which they threw the fuck out the window in Cincinnati when they only had White people to promote from within and they wanted a Black chief.

    So they got one from Detroit (insert rimshot here) that WASN’T tested out, then REFUSED to take the test and said it was racist that they even WANTED him to.

    The Black city manager and Black Mayor were totes onboard with this, so they let this guy run around dressed like an Ohio police officer even though be had no LEGAL right to do so, until HE was damn good and ready to leave HIMSELF with a huge buyout so they could put the NEXT Black guy in his place (Whites need not apply,been that way since our 2001 race riots).

    So, what would have been impersonating a Police Officer if a White guy did it was 100% OK because, Black.

    We ALSO had a fully-licensed Police Department in a Cinch suburb of Lincoln Heights that (like most “Heights”) was a VERY Black community so they wanted Black POs, and ended up hiring felons AS OFFICERS WITH GUNS because they couldn’t find enough Black people who WEREN’T felons and wanted to be cops in Lincoln Heights, so they took what they could get, ultimately leading to thuggish Cop behavior YOU never heard about because it was Black on Black, followed by Lincoln Heights’ insurance underwriter refusing to insure them, followed by the Department being disbanded and the County Sheriff being contracted,but that’s a different story for another day…

    The point being, that licensure is COMPLETELY meaningless if you’re just going to drill holes in it to get “enough” Black people to fit through.

    And we’re talking about Chicago, the city that’s SYNONYMOUS with Democrat corruption.

    …good luck with that…

  4. Txn4Evr,
    We are learning ALL kinds of new stuff.
    Something always seemed to be protecting some somethings, somewheres.
    And always in the same places, too.
    And it’s getting harder to hide.

    OJT trainee

  5. @Txn4Evr: Same thing in Oregon; all cops go through training and are “licensed” by the state.

    Licensing cops is a great idea; we license drivers and that has pretty much eliminated bad drivers. 🙂

  6. What the hell is she talking about. You need a license to cut a dogs for crying out loud. I’ll bet there is not a jurisdiction in the country with unlicensed policemen.


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