Lightning Hits Russian Rocket Just After Liftoff – IOTW Report

Lightning Hits Russian Rocket Just After Liftoff

Breitbart: A bolt of lightning struck a Russian Soyuz carrier rocket only moments after liftoff during the first launching this year of a rocket from the Plesetsk spaceport near Mirny, northern Russia.

The Chief of Russia’s Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Major-General Nikolai Nestechuk, reported on Monday that at about ten seconds into its flight, lightning struck the ship that was carrying a Glonass-M navigation satellite, Russian media agency TASS reported.

Nestechuk also insisted that neither the rocket nor the payload the rocket was carrying was damaged by the strike.  go see

9 Comments on Lightning Hits Russian Rocket Just After Liftoff

  1. Fascistfurrer Drumpf found the old BushCheneuHitlerBurton lightning machine htat murdered billions of Iraqis !!!1


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