Lights Out, Caracas – IOTW Report

Lights Out, Caracas

Just as city workers were leaving work last evening, the Venezuelan capital was hit with a major power outage, forcing many to walk home. While government officials asked for patience as the blackout continued, residents of the city took to their windows to bang pots and pans and curse the name of the socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro.

“Venezuela’s electrical system was once the envy of Latin America but it has fallen into a state of disrepair after years of poor maintenance and mismanagement. High-ranking officials have been accused in U.S. court proceedings of looting government money earmarked for the electrical system.” More

Update: Schools closed, work canceled in Caracas today, though a lot of people showed up for work anyway because there was no radio or TV telling them to stay home. More


33 Comments on Lights Out, Caracas

  1. You get what you vote for. Choke on it.

    May this be a lesson to our home grown libtards. Oh, wait, if they could learn from object lessons they would not be libtards. Plan B… Molan Labe libtards, Molan Labe..

  2. I think Danny Glover and Sean Penn ought to be collected in the middle of the night and parachuted into the middle of Caracas to save the day for their socialist pals. That’s assuming that their socialist pals have finished packing all the money they looted from the country and it’s people and finished their er, travel arrangements to a non-extraditable country although that list may be kind of short what with them not being muslims and all. I bet Cuba would take them but their visa’s would likely coast them all the cash they have.

  3. Liars abound! What has happened in Venezuela has “sabotage” written all over it. Another Stuxnet virus implanted to destroy the power grid operating system? Now who would love do something so disruptive as that? Take a guess, for fun.
    From Stone’s view:
    “Here is the key Pompeo quote that says it ALL:
    No food. No medicine. Now, no power. Next, no Maduro.
    MY TRANSLATION: “WE CAME, WE SAW, HE DIED. HA HA HA HA HA. The world’s largest proven oil reserves will now be OURS!!!”

    Don’t know about Stuxnet? It was a virus created by US/Israel to infect and disable Iran’s nuclear power plant, but it was found and stopped. However, this virus jumped out and went elsewhere, explicitly to destroy Japan. Now it has gone rogue and can wind up anywhere. Very weaponized.

    “Stuxnet is a computer worm that targets the types of industrial control systems (ICS) that are commonly used in infrastructure supporting facilities (i.e. power plants, water treatment facilities, gas lines, etc).”

  4. @tRuth


    What do you call Manureos’ ordering truckloads of food coming in to be burned because it was from, horrors, the United States?

    It was the gov’t of Manureos who forced the oil companies out. They wanted to stay, of course, in the country with the 2nd biggest oil reserves in the world.

    Why are hundreds of Venezuelan soldiers escaping to Colombia just to get something to eat?

    It’s Manureos killing his own people.

    You must be getting your news from MSNBC or some Communist web site.

  5. It wouldn’t take an attack on the Venezuelan electrical system to make it fail.

    Just too many people turning their lights on at the same time would do it.

  6. “High-ranking officials have been accused in U.S. court proceedings of looting government money earmarked for the electrical system.””
    Was Jerry Brown available for comment?

  7. I just left a party where there were three Venezuelan couples among those present. All of them hate what has become of their country and are hoping the socialist government will be toppled soon. They said it is going to take ten years to recover from what has happened. They said that they love Trump as do their countrymen and see Trump as their only hope.

  8. If you do not agree with my posting, you should post your own facts to disprove mine.
    When facts cannot be refuted with counter facts, a disinformation troll will try to make personal attacks to ridicule the messenger. This is a disinformation tactic which is used by CIA/Pentagon trolls to control the revelation of truth.
    Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation (Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist)
    by H. Michael Sweeney

    25 common Disinformation Tactics
    taken from the book
    From Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation

    “The Pentagon have deployed hundreds of soldiers to work within the US Army’s new ‘troll division’ – a unit tasked with spreading pro-American propaganda online.”

  9. @ tRuth
    There are many conspiracy theories that turned out to be true and it’s hard to put some things past what our government might do and that the CIA was responsible for the words conspiracy theory nut to discredit them. But I don’t think these guys need any help self-destructing.
    As for their oil I don’t think so.
    The left said the same thing about Afghanistan and Iraq, I’m still waiting for my check for that oil.

  10. Quite a few posters are concerned about what I have posted. Why should there be so many pouncing on this information to deny it? Because it is true, like it, or not. And they don’t want it discussed on forums.

    CIA-Sponsored Trolls Monitor Internet & Interact With Users to Discredit Factual Information
    By Occupy Corporatism – November 29, 20120383

  11. tRuth, maybe the problem is you paint with such a broad brush. I expect most of us here have a general distrust for the CIA. But on the flip side of that most of us here do not believe we are looking to steal Venezuela’s oil for our own benefit. We benefit when our neighbors are free and prosperous.

  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…… tRuth, you’re funny. Who’s your comedy script writer, you ain’t paying them enough.
    Ladies and gents, what we have here is a gen-u-wine IOTW tRoll.
    And as we have all learned by now, DO NOT FEED THE TROLL, before OR after midnight.
    You cannot argue or discuss facts with a tRoll. No matter what you rebut with, it’s always wrong. It’s like arguing with a kindergartener, “I know you are, but what am I?” They have their own fantasy world, which barely touches upon the real world. All you can do is point and laugh. Maybe ask for the sources of their fantasy “facts” and conspiracies. Then just say, “suuuuuuure”, or “riiiiiiiight”. tRolls want and crave attention, and this is how they get it, by drawing you into their fantasy.

    Bye, tRuth the tRoll.

  13. tRuth -stuxnet was specifically designed to affect speed of Zippe-type centrifuges (for refining Uranium into Plutonium). It has no application for anything else.
    Your screed is pure bullshit; why would we need to refute it?

  14. Socialism results in lowered emissions. Venezuela is doing its part to save the planet which will be destroyed in 12 years. We should look to Venezuela as a model to emulate.

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