Like A Good Neighbor or Hate Them? – IOTW Report

Like A Good Neighbor or Hate Them?

The American Conservative

Los Angeles Times columnist Virginia Heffernan, who lives in Brooklyn Heights but who lives somewhere rurally to escape Covid, recently had a dilemma : Her Trump-loving neighbors did something nice for her: She doesn’t know what the right thing to do about it is.

Now, stop right there. Normal people don’t have this problem. Normal people think, aww, how nice, and start thinking of ways to return the kindness. But normal people are not Harvard-educated New York-based liberal journalists. Hence Heffernan’s revealing column. More

50 Comments on Like A Good Neighbor or Hate Them?

  1. I read the article and am actually disgusted.

    A few months ago I came home & heard my neighbor calling out and saw a broom waving in the air. I put down my groceries, crossed the street and lifted her back to her feet (she had fallen) I asked her “is it Ok if I lift you up?” because she had been going on about the “grab em by the pussy” thing etc. I helped her up the stairs, knocked on her door to get her husband outside and waited. Everything was fine. She lit another cigarette.

    I think I behaved like a human.

    For 4 years I heard her shit on Trump, conservatives, & right wing fascists. The year before, fixed her Air Cond. for free. Year before that removed a grass snake that scared the living crap out of her. Trembling, she insisted it Had to be killed because she had a phobia. (head was the size of a large thumb) Too much snow on the driveway, No problem, I’ll help as she tells me she was one of Canuckistan’s “original Feminists”
    Many other little saves I’ve done for them as well like collecting mail while they are out of town & taking in trash bins etc. 18 years plus…

    I did make it a point during the last 4 years to tell her, “Us Conservatives are not that bad eh!”

    Not a pie, bottle, Cookies etc in the last 4 years. Next time she falls on her ass I might just tell her to call the Turdeau for fucking help if this is what they think of us, but somehow I’ll probably just do the right thing again as they actively vote against my best interests every 4 years.

  2. “How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?”

    That statement is a great example of a leftist experiencing cognitive dissonance caused by overwhelming proof her twist ideology is crap and makes absolutely no sense.

    Leftists insistent on going through mental gymnastics, rather than simple being grateful.
    It’s just too much effort to not be miserable, drowning in self imposed victimhood.

  3. She takes a simple act of kindness from a neighbor and twists a perfidious act out of it.

    Liberals are sick from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet.

  4. We are at war with these communist assholes. They hate us with a passion. Kindness to them is a sign of weakness. If we want to win this civil war before we are a smoking totalitarian ruin of a country we need to start giving it right back to them when they pull this evil commie shit. They are no longer our fellow Americans, they are our enemies.

    Being Silent when they start raving and spewing their communist death democrat shit is no longer an option. Get right back in their face – Good and Hard.

    Free America.

  5. She just can’t quite understand The Golden Rule. They say intellectuals solve problems and genius prevents them, is there anything more simply genius than the golden rule? Perhaps if these kinds of folks were to practice kindness once in a while?

  6. Well now that her neighbor knows how terribly conflicted she is, I hope he doesn’t help her out again. In fact, would be nice if someone watered down her driveway around 3 a.m.

  7. Sure the neighbor shovels the snow with a smile on his face but is he going to pay off Karen’s Harvard phd student loans and pay for Karen’s abortions and birth control pills?

  8. Thanks for letting the rest of us know what a miserable, ungrateful, ungracious, suspicious psycho bitch you are, lady. Imagine the hell of having to be this kind of person.

  9. My neighbor, a petite mother of four, came over and shoveled the snow from my driveway and walkway BY HAND. I came out and yelled at her for removing MY SNOW and told her to put it back.

  10. These “educated” intellectuals are actually quite stupid.

    Human nature is and always has been about the local group. That group may be your family unit, your neighborhood, close friends, church community, whatever. Your group have more in common with each other than they do with outsiders. Outsiders are welcome in, if they adhere to the group dynamics already established.

    This poor soul (and I mean that literally) is unaware she has been invited into another group, if she wishes to become a member of the “golden rule” club. (thanks mildred lucille).

    Instead, she reaches out to groups overseas, to whom she is nothing but a stranger for a group to claim solidarity with. Groups whom I doubt she really knows much about, except the stories the left spews — one sided stories with no depth or understanding, just judgment and hatred.

    Luckily, even though I have leftists in my own family, we are able to put that political part of our lives “on a shelf” whenever we interact because of the many shared memories and experiences of love and caring over the years.

  11. @ Kcir (cause I give a kcuf)

    Always stay integrous. Do what’s right. Give them pause when they want to disparage you.

    This is what I ask my Dem friends: Please tell me what I’ve done to warrant your disparagement as a conservative. You’ve know me for 37 years plus…


    Remember, your allegiance is to God, not their ideology.

  12. There is something more than just typically wrong with this. She’s calling her alleged neighbors “Hezbollah” (first time I’ve heard a liberal think they are bad), a bigot, Hitler ad nauseam. These are private people if they exist.

    How is this not libel and defamation of character?
    Because it is. They are not public figures.

    This either isn’t real or the LA Times exhibits zero editorial standard in even modestly attempting to contact the people she used their masthead to defame.

    If so, they’ll be able to buy a driveway wherever they want after the settlement.

  13. No, this is good. This is “church reform” in action. This is excactly what is needed. For it is written:

    Mark 11 Mark 13 Mark 12:30-31 New International Version (NIV) 30 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[ a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[ b] There is no commandment greater than these.”

    And: Romans 12:20: “Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.” (And if her driveway needs plowing…and you’ve got a plow out …. plow hers too.)

    Remember: The only judge who matters at all is our Lord Jesus Christ.

  14. Romans 12:20
    Instead, if your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.
    Apparently the coals were burning this heifer up.

  15. What sick twisted mind she has. What decent person want to be around some head-up-the-ass loon like this? @PHenry not a load of snow. She needs a mega-load of fresh tangy manure or a dozen Port-A-Potties dumped in her driveway.
    She is not a human being but a devolved sorry excuse for a human.

  16. This is a perfect example of the consequence of compartmentalism. When people see their neighbor as little more than a faceless member of a particular group—just another brick in the wall, if you will—and not as a unique human being, they don’t take the time to get to know them. Instead, they take the most basic, generalized description of a typical member of that group, apply it to the neighbor, and suddenly they think they know everything they need to know about them. And when the neighbor does something that doesn’t fit that description, they can’t even entertain the notion that maybe—just maybe—their Cliffs Notes description of their neighbor wasn’t 100% accurate.

  17. Eugenia (just to kind of answer your question from an obedient Christian’s viewpoint)

    It’s easier to love people who are loveable; the true testing comes from extending a helping hand to people who seem to least deserve it. One never knows what moment may turn their hearts and minds to God through a simple act of kindness, but that if we are ever wondering what our Great Commission is, this is the most basic part of it. The Word tells us that God sends the sun and the rain on both the unbeliever and the believer. We exhibit our faith through our words and deeds, and all glory to God in the balance.

  18. That was beautiful, Abby.

    I can work with that. You keep the ungrateful neighbor busy with whatever it is you were talking about while I hose down her driveway at night.

  19. @Aaron Burr- you beat me too it but the temp must be freezing.

    But I get your snow ‘drift’…

    Fuck her.

    Sick of these self serving bastards that take advantage of my being nice and neighborly.

    We may be Christians but we are NOT to be treated like a fucking door mat or other either.

    This bitch owes a public apology when that neighbor gets doxxed or other.

    FUCK HER!!!


  20. I still can’t understand this person’s ingratitude, but contempt for kindly neighbors. We all do things for our neighbors without fanfare, many of them go unnoticed, which is fine.

    But for someone to go out of their way to express hatred for such neighbors is mean spirited, and quite frankly, evil.

  21. She sounds like a self-righteous, arrogant unhappy person. And lonely too. Why would someone she despises be the only person she knows that would help her, hmmm? I guess she knows no one that likes her enough for her to ask. So, so sad. We need to pray for her. But the sad part is she probably thinks she is too smart and above us all to help. Pray. It really helps.

  22. Well, look at it this way: She told the world who she is and which side of the poltical fence she is on. You can’t buy that kind of advertising. Would you buy what she’s selling or what her neighbor is selling? 😉

    God works in mysterious ways.

  23. I just love you to pieces, Mary Hatch! See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. This is how events cascade into an avalanche of conscience — maybe for the first time — for this woman. Pray for her.

  24. Kcir, I agree with everyone who said to keep up the kindness.

    Jesus was once asked “Who is my neighbor” by an expert in the law. He asked Jesus this while talking about the command to “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

    That’s when Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. A man coming from Jerusalem (presuming to be an Israelite) who was beaten and robbed by thieves. They left him for dead and, as he lay next to the road, a priest and a Levite (both supposedly godly men) passed him by. A Samaritan stopped and helped him.

    You know the rest of the story. We must realize that any Israelite would have hated the Samaritan people, kind of like the left hates the right. So, why did Jesus tell this story? We are commanded to love our neighbors. Who is our neighbor?

    Everyone. Even those who hate us.

  25. Kind of funny how the Government snowplow comes around an piles a huge berm at the bottom of the driveway just to trap you in.

    How helpful of them.

  26. She is confused because she has chosen to Not be an American. When she comes across real ones she has no
    clue how to act or think so she falls back into automatic,
    lefty bullshit mode reactions.
    De Toqueville wrote of and described Americans and how surprised he was to see them come together to share help and support while noting he had never seen this in other peoples.

  27. @Abigail Adam – “…avalanche of conscience.”

    An avalanche huh??

    I would hope the freeze / thaw principle…which is a fact…that the snow comes crashing down on her driveway off the roof she can’t go to…church.

    Meaning she’ll be praying from home…until spring. :>O

  28. Ghost, yew nasty bastich.

    Be nice. PRAY… for like…anything….a gas leak. Whatever, just PRAY. The point is, we’re all on the positivity train now.

    I’m praying super hard for the return of meat eating dinosaurs myself, but to each his own I suppose.

  29. @Aaron Burr – Well maybe NOT a gas leak…that MAGA guys house COULD be compromised.

    How about the boiler goes OUT and the pipes freeze??

    And then burst…on her library of Communist leaders books???

    Oh, on the dinosaurs? Most people I read these daze want the meteor first…

  30. You two, Ghost and B-Funk – do not make fun of praying! It is so important. Let’s stick together on this point. Forget about this woman who hates herself and who won’t admit it. She knows but still wants to impress superiority on all of us. It’s her fate. Stop. Both of your clouds will be bigger than her cloud, so don’t worry. Well, if you make fun of praying, I’m not sure anymore!!!!

    God Bless us all!

  31. @Abigail Adams, thanks for the reminder. I spout off to blow off steam and in real life try to be a decent reasonable human being. IOTWR is my ‘safe space’ even if BFH is rolling his eyes at that.

  32. I’m not making fun of praying……I’m just sorta’ lookin’ for wiggle room.

    If I have to pray FOR this lady…sigh…fine. I’m a Catholic. Therefore contractually obligated to follow the rulez and whatnot. However, I was edujumacated by the Jesuits…legalistic wrangling over the finer points of theology is sorta’ their “thing”.

    But I can do this.

    Dear Lord,
    I ask for your Divine Love to fill this woman. Remove the scales of hatred from her eyes and let her see with Your wisdom. Lord, help this woman to follow your way and help others to find Your grace.
    In your name we pray.

    C’mon, that sounds totally believable.

  33. Sure, as Christian, turn the other cheek, share the Gospel in Love, then if that person insist on kissing you off, Christ said to his disiples – shake the dirt off your feet and move on. Luke 10:10 (and Luke 10:1-9)
    Do not be pious in false humility and labor when rejected by leftards who despise you. Pray for them, walk away.

    Let God deal with their hearts. The seed of Peace has been planted. Let God determine the harvest – good or bad. It’s up to them. God gave them free will.

  34. @Aaron Burr, the scripture I mentioned is the “wiggle room” so to speak.
    Let God smack the fool up side the head, if they continue being stupid – if He so desires.
    Leaves you free to say, ‘Told ya so”.

  35. This idiot doesn’t even know how to draw analogies. This… person… compares MAGA people to Hezbollah, Farrakhan, and Nazis (of course) as people that take care of their own. Well, when a MAGA person takes care of a lefty, they AIN’T taking care of one of their own, fool! They’ve convinced themselves that MAGA people can only be reasoned with by a RINO like Sassehole. We must work shoulder to shoulder to repair the damage of the last four years, even though she doesn’t repay the favor by baking cookies. See, although the plowers plowed, it is *she* who is the one offering a standing invitation to make amends. But, hey. At least they got to brag about their superior life experiences, like living with an upper-middle-class France family as a teen.

    Like a broken clock, she’s right about one thing though. MAGA people are certainly not looking for absolution.


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