Like Rats in a Barrel – IOTW Report

Like Rats in a Barrel

A man is invited to take his best shot at a rat infestation at what looks like a recycling warehouse. The man brings his 10-year-old son along. Content warning: A lot of rats were hurt in the making of this video Watch

If you hate pigeons you’re going to enjoy this content, posted a couple of months ago. Again: A number of pigeons, starlings and house sparrows were injured in the making of this video. Here

25 Comments on Like Rats in a Barrel

  1. Someone trying to get on my good side?

    If my customers knew how much I enjoyed my job, it would be really hard to make a living at it.

    Yeah, sometimes I employ a 22 caliber pellet rifle with a scope. Usually bigger animals than these, though.

    Couple of times the cops have been called on me. I really wish I could have seen the faces on the callers when the cops and I shake hands and we part ways.

    I really am licensed to kill.

  2. When I was 10 we were living in Oconomowoc Wisco. The parents rented an old farm house an a quater section planted in corn. (Yum, Pheasant 3 days a week. Every week). The owner owned a big farm and was located almost right across the street. An older guy. I was about ten when he hired me to clear out his main barn of Pigeons. Weapon of choice, Savage Bolt Action .22 shooting bird shot. Years later I realized he had to of cleared that with the old man before he offered me the job. Two weeks of after school Pigeon carnage and there were no squab left. Thinking about it pops had a gun in my brothers and my hands by the age of 8. Imagine today if a parent let a ten year old lose with a gun by themselves. But believe me, we went through gun training class. Complete with chalk board.

  3. There is a town just west of Nashville that used to have an annual pigeon shoot in the town square. You could stroll through town dropping every bird you saw. Think they stopped it sometime in the 80’s.

  4. The new PCP Airgun’s are pretty wicked. I’ve got spring piston Beeman, Weirauch & RWS Airgun’s. In their day they were all that. They are good as ever, but it takes skill and practice to shoot them accurately. I’ve had some pretty good rat and pigeon shoots over the years. Nothing like when we showed up at a feed lot just as the ranch owners were leaving to go to town for a few hours. We each brought a backpack full of shotgun shells. We asked them what to do with the dead ones. Put them in the burn barrel. When they got back the burn barrel had fifty gallons of pigeons in it and we had two wheelbarrows full sitting beside it and were just getting started picking them up. He changed his mind and had us dump them off the cliff after that.

  5. Back in the sixties my mom and step-dad rented an old farmhouse with 2 cherry trees in the backyard. Damn birds knew exactly when those cherries were ripe. I was 9 or 10 and was deployed with a pellet gun and a .22 with bird shot shorts to keep the birds away. I couldn’t outsmart the Bluejays though.

  6. @Dr. Tar — Thanks for the thoroughly enjoyable and highly entertaining video. The follow-on with the racoons was just as good, even the nauseating segment with the skunk aftermath.

  7. A few days ago, I counted twenty-five deer in my back yard. I believe it’s time to thin the herd this year. The annual bag limit in Texas is four deer per person. Ground venison is delicious and healthy.

  8. @ Bad_Brad THURSDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 2024, 22:17 AT 10:17 PM

    My springers are rated at 1,000 fps. They shoot about 800 with normal pellets. The PCPs, I couldn’t tell you. I won’t even look at them, three buddies are in over six grand on them. A man’s got to recognize his limitations and denying myself a rifle I want isn’t something I can handle.

  9. I think the better PCPs actually shoot 900 to 1,200 fps. Energy goes up by the square of the velocity and they shoot a heavier slug than the pellets I shoot. The Ballistic Coefficient of both suck, but the heavier slugs I think perform about like a 22 Short at the target.

    My air rifles are good on rats or pigeons to about 60 70 yards, the PCP rifles are probably good to 100 yards. I don’t like wounding anything, the biggest issue I have with the guys shooting PCPs is they don’t seem to care.

    None of them are worth a shit in the wind.

  10. I bought a Ruger Blackhawk Pellet Gun for Iguanas …scope was crap though.

    Just picked up a Inexpensive Red/Green dot Optic…Need to sight it in…But

    I’ll probably have to go to a Pricier Gun…It’s loud and reportedly shoots

    1300 FPS with the Titanium Ammo…1000 with basic ,177 Pellets…At some point

    it might be cheaper to go with a Pump Style .22 with a Suppressor and Birdshot.

    If the Round breaks the Sound barrier it’s going to be loud.

  11. I have the yard rats trained. As soon as they hear a window cranking open they run.
    I shoot them with my little pink Cabela’s bb gun.
    Neighbors have called the cops on me when I bring it outside. Funny, cuz we’re an open carry state.
    Sent the groundhog on his way too.
    He thought he’d get away but I aimed just in front of him while he was running and plinked him good.
    Been gone for weeks now.
    I think I need a pellet gun though.

  12. Ah, the memories. I moved the family into an old Victorian house that the previous owner had fed pigeons every day.
    We called them “Dump Chickens”. I started thinning the herd and when my two boys got old enough, around ten, I turned my arsenal of three .177 air guns over to them. We lived in the center of our small town directly across from a church. One Sunday morning the boys were “hunting” when one dump chicken was hit but managed to clear the church roof and got away, or so we thought. When the congregation came out, that pigeon was laying dead in the middle of the parking lot. The Minister, a friendly sort, got a kick out of it when he told me, but one of the church ladies had a case of the vapors and had to be helped to her car. Ha!


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