Like Russia – High School Manipulates Photos Of Students In Order To Preserve False History – IOTW Report

Like Russia – High School Manipulates Photos Of Students In Order To Preserve False History

College Fix-

Students at a Pennsylvania high school are miffed that their “Make America Great Again” hats were blurred out in a school yearbook photo.

Littlestown High School student Jeremy Gebhart and a friend say they decided to show support for President Trump back in October during the school’s spirit week. Someone snapped a pic of them which eventually made it to the school yearbook … albeit with an alteration.

“We were like they blurred our hats out!” Gebhart said.

Students at a Pennsylvania high school are miffed that their “Make America Great Again” hats were blurred out in a school yearbook photo.

Littlestown High School student Jeremy Gebhart and a friend say they decided to show support for President Trump back in October during the school’s spirit week. Someone snapped a pic of them which eventually made it to the school yearbook … albeit with an alteration.

“We were like they blurred our hats out!” Gebhart said.

According to FOX-43, Gebhart alleges his First Amendment rights were violated. “Everybody has First Amendment rights, freedom of speech and they are allowed to think what they want and say what they want but they aren’y allowed to take that away from other people.

“I just think that whoever did this doesn’t like Trump,” Gebhart said.

At a public school? Naw! Couldn’t be!


11 Comments on Like Russia – High School Manipulates Photos Of Students In Order To Preserve False History

  1. Several years back I was out visiting my sister and my youngest nephew entered the room with a Che Guevara shirt on. I asked who the person on the shirt was and he identified who it was. I then asked what he was known for. He really didn’t seem to know but said he’d seen it before on people so he thought it was cool. I then opened school and filled him in on his accomplishments and the meaning of his picture to the best of my abilities. I could tell I embarrassed my nephew. Don’t know if he got rid of the shirt but I’ve never seen it again. The people he saw wearing it that he thought were cool were classmates in high school. Wonder if they would have blurred the shirts out?

  2. I agree with Uncle Al. The students should demand (on threat of a lawsuit) that the school reprint the yearbook without the blurring and offers each student a replacement at no charge. The reprint should include a reason for the reprint and an apology from the person or persons who made the decision to censor the book.

  3. It is amazing how the dwarf in the photo looks like obama.

    The guy is Nikolai Yezhov. He was a Soviet secret police official under Joseph Stalin who was head of the NKVD from 1936 to 1938. The dwarf presided over mass murders on an unimaginable scale. Eventually, Stalin had him tortured and murdered – and removed from all official photos.

    This is the best comparison:

    — though Yezhov would probably be insulted it: “You think I look like THAT cretin??”

  4. Was any other clothing with text on it blurred? Some schools don’t allow clothing with words, logos, or pictures. Decades ago this was true in my school and it eliminated a lot of distraction and fighting. I would have preferred uniforms, myself.

  5. @Jethro ~ a lot of MD gubmint employees retire to PA because they believe the real estate taxes are lower there; they are, but they pile on all sorts of other ‘local’ taxes & ‘fees’ that MD doesn’t … so, it all works out as a wash

  6. When I was a high school senior I was the copy editor of our school newspaper. Both the newspaper and yearbook staff were headed by the youngest and most liberal teacher at the school. The student staffs were also pot-smoking “liberals in the making”. Since these classes tend to attract liberals it’s no surprise that they edited the photo. (I’m surprised it was even included.)


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