Likely voters say ‘hell, no’ to Democrats’ free health care for illegals: Rasmussen – IOTW Report

Likely voters say ‘hell, no’ to Democrats’ free health care for illegals: Rasmussen

American Thinker:

It would seem to be a no-brainer that free health care for people who’ve broken into our country with no vetting wouldn’t be a popular idea.  Free health insurance for MS-13, human-smuggling cartels, and everyone else who makes it across?  Step right up.  All Democrats on Thursday night’s debate stage raised their hands together for it.

And, well, a Rasmussen poll now shows what the public thinks of that spectacle.  According to Breitbart News:

About 5-in-9 likely U.S. voters oppose proving free health care to illegal aliens that American taxpayers pay for, a poll this month finds.

A Rasmussen Reports survey this month asked 1,000 likely U.S. voters their opinions on the sanctuary state of California’s latest law that provides full health care benefits to low-income illegal aliens who are under the age of 26-years-old.

About 55 percent, or 5-in-9, likely U.S. voters overall said they opposed providing even the lowest income illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded health care in their state. Only about 31 percent of likely voters said they supported the giant subsidy program.

Health care, after all, in the U.S. is expensive.  It’s also generally very good.  Unlike a lot of places, there are world-class treatments and innovations, as well as fairly low waiting times for treatment, enough to draw wealthy paying customers from socialized medicine countries in Europe and from Canada. 

The prospect of illegals crowding the hospital waiting rooms for health services they don’t pay a penny for and bankrupting these hospitals with state-payment rates (currently, they pay nothing, of course) is rather unattractive to taxpayers.  One, they would likely see their taxes go up to pay for this scheme.  Two, they would likely also see their premiums go up as hospitals seek to cover the below-market payment rates from the state payer, with premium hikes from the paying customers.  And all this, for foreigners coming here with no regard for U.S. law or its legal process, and no history of ever paying into the system to get these “free services.”

8 Comments on Likely voters say ‘hell, no’ to Democrats’ free health care for illegals: Rasmussen

  1. Just imagine how many attorneys are salivating at the thought that errors in the ER will be made because there are not enough interpreters? It’s already difficult enough to practice medicine under the standard of care guidelines, but add this massive amount of chaos and you overwhelm the system Alinsky style.

  2. I don’t understand why illegals need to be in this country to take advantage of our healthcare. Technology and resources are mobile and replicable. I believe they think that once here it doesn’t cost us anything because infrastructure is existing here already. What they don’t understand is that the infrastructure isn’t at a capacity to hold a few billion people. We need to build it regardless of where it would exist in the world. It’s as simple as pulling out a calculator and adding up what it has already cost in this country then apply that figure to each individual country around the world, based on their population figures. At the end of the day, exporting our healthcare makes more sense rather than concentrating all the world’s diseases within our borders. But instead democrats have literally declared war on our healthcare system and the population it treats rather than systematically expanding in order to achieve more desirable results. No, I’m not for providing the entire world our healthcare, but if the democrats are hell bent on talking about doing it, at least approach it from an appropriate logistical and reasonable standpoint. It’ll never happen because you can put a price tag on it right now, and it’s a price tag no one in America will swallow, so it’s sold to us in a dog and pony show instead; as if the land provides the care.

  3. I wonder whether the 31% that voted yes understand the ramifications of adding that many people overnight to a healthcare system that in many parts of the country is overburdened already. Do they understand their state taxes will go up from income, to food, liquor to everything that is taxed. Do they realize that the level of care they enjoy now would by definition go down. I saw the two questions Rasmussen asked and it was almost like a push poll. The 31% ought to scare anyone with half a brain because it will lead to all illegals getting full access then you’ll see taxes skyrocket and quality of care tank.

  4. If I sneak over the border into Mexico then come back in as an illegal, can I make up a phony Mexican sounding name and get free health care and stuff on one name and use my real name to collect SS??? Asking for a friend of a friend…

  5. Can’t believe, re: the 4 out of 9 who said yes to this horsesh**, that there even are that many with that small of brain capacity. “Well, I’m compassionate,” some will surely say.

    That is not compassion. Weapons-grade, nation-destroying idiocy is what it is.

  6. All illegal aliens already get free healthcare. It’s called the emergency room. By law, no one can be refused and how are you going to get them to pay? Why do you think those with chronic and very expensive diseases are flooding the US border?


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