Limbaugh: During The Debate Hillary Came Off As ‘A Witch With A Capital B’ – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: During The Debate Hillary Came Off As ‘A Witch With A Capital B’

Hillary witch hat pg

Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, while discussing the presidential debate last night, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “came off exactly as many people see her — a witch with a capital B.”

17 Comments on Limbaugh: During The Debate Hillary Came Off As ‘A Witch With A Capital B’

  1. Well, that pretty much sums up the opinion I’ve had of Hillary ever since she made that snippy, gratuitous crack in ’92 about “staying home and baking cookies.”

    I really resented her insulting my own mother and the millions of other women who refused to be force-fed this Women’s Lib careerist bullshit and chose to live their adult lives based on traditional values. You could tell from her facial and body language that she felt she was just so superior to all these stay-at-home losers.

    I don’t support politicians who insult me or my values. Let Rosie Fucking McDykenell vote for Hillary. I’m voting for Trump.

  2. Her coaches told her in the earpearl to stop with the smuggery, and she pulled a straight face for a minute, but ultimately, she just couldn’t hide it. She’s a worse Teacher’s Pet From Hell than Algore ever was. That doesn’t bode well for her.

  3. I keep saying over and over on here….slick willy had it down…”Hillary, PEOPLE JUST DON’T LIKE YOU!” which is a nicer way of saying your personality sucks a big one, your a cunt, you always were a cunt, and you will die a cunt. Just picture her cackling when she got the rapist off years ago by slam dunking the young girl. And she KNEW he did it, knew he would fail the lie detector test, and then said “THATS WHY I DON’t trust lie detectors”. A filthier piece of diseased loaded used condum never existed.

  4. Upon further reflection:

    I think it takes a very special kind of superior, self-involved, bug-up-your-ass-the-size-of-a-stretch-limo cunt to be married to Bill Clinton for over 40 years and not learn a few things about how to relate to people.

    I loathe Slick Willie like the plague, but I will give the man his props at having excellent people skills. It sure would have been nice if Obama could have worked in a bi-partisan manner the way Clinton did.

    Anyone here doubt me? Okay, ask yourselves this question: If at gunpoint, you had to choose between going out for a beer with Bill or doing the same with Hitlery, which would you choose? A total no-brainer: you’d blow off the prig in favor of the schmoozemeister. At least you’d have a good time and hear some good stories.

    Hillary has the people skills of a mosquito. You can’t teach a 68-year-old dog new tricks.

    And, Tommy, I’m sorry about the carpet. I just rang the barkeep at Rory’s and warned him that you can’t be taken anywhere LOL.

  5. To add to Unruly Refugee’s comment, the Hildabeast could have been on the debate stage nude (yuck) while conducting a child sacrifice, chanting from the evil koran, and on the phone selling state secrets to China, and her supporters would still vote for her!

    The same character of people who voted for Hitler.

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