Limbaugh: ‘George W. Bush, Laura Bush Voted for Hillary Clinton Today’ – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: ‘George W. Bush, Laura Bush Voted for Hillary Clinton Today’

Breitbart: Conservative radio great Rush Limbaugh announced to his audience Tuesday that he’s been told that “George W. Bush and Laura Bush voted for Hillary Clinton today,” the Washington Examiner reports

“On one level, it’s personal. Remember what Trump said about Jeb. And Trump has had some unkind things to say about George W. Bush,” Limbaugh explained, referencing Donald Trump’s habit during the Republican primary of calling Jeb Bush “low energy.”  

“But aside from that, think about party loyalty, think about issues, think about the direction of the country,” Limbaugh added. “How does anybody vote for Hillary Clinton?”  MORE

21 Comments on Limbaugh: ‘George W. Bush, Laura Bush Voted for Hillary Clinton Today’

  1. If Trump loses it will be the establishments fault. Image if Republican governors in swing states actually supported and helped the GOP candidate and provided resources for a better ground game and turnout.

  2. The only reason I voted for W in 04 was 9-11. Now he just voted for more of the same. If nothing else this election cycle/wikleaks/comey/ email investigation/irs targeting…. exposed the system is rigged; if Trump doesn’t win our republic is done!

  3. It’s a free country; vote for the candidate of your choice. Now Mr. and Mrs. Doublewe can return to El Rancho and watch as the People throw them on the ash heap of history and continue making America great. They are not needed, not wanted, and will not be included.

  4. We nominated that asshole and put him in the White House – twice.
    Now things aren’t perfect for him so he fucking stabs us in the back and votes for someone that is against all we believe and who even calls us names, and the enemy.
    Bush has always been called a man of honor. Bullshit.

  5. Whoever he voted for doesn’t change the fact that he is the reason we now have to put up with hearing, “islam is a religion of peace.” Thanks a lot. ugh. Then TARP… which 0bama abused.

  6. I voted twice for him, always paid my taxes, have defended him for years and my son served in his war. At this point all that I can say is the damnocrats were right…he is a retarded azzh*#e !!!!!!!

  7. Rush could’t bury his head far enough up Dubya’s butt when he was in office. It was pretty pathetic. Rush should have been blasting the friggin traitor for his amnesty push, but he didn’t. Rush was in full-on weather vane mode, and Dubya was his usual stupid traitorious useless dumbass self. 100% RINO. He gave us obama. Friggin traitor. Same with his old man, his wife, and the entire dammed family. THEY SUCK

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