Lin Wood Files Lawsuit Challenging Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Alleged Unconstitutional Agreements With Dems – IOTW Report

Lin Wood Files Lawsuit Challenging Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Alleged Unconstitutional Agreements With Dems

Gateway Pundit: The country is just being introduced to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger.  We are also beginning to uncover the corrupt actions he has taken to steal the 2020 election for the Democrats.  Soon the whole country will know him and his actions.

On March 6, 2020 the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, signed off on a secret legal agreement with the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to alter absentee ballot procedures in Georgia. The Democrats’ attorney for this secret deal was Marc Elias from Perkins Coie, the consigliere of Hillary Clinton who has been busy managing other secretive Democratic election operations all across the country. (In Appendix A of Lin Wood filing yesterday is a copy of the agreement – See below.)

Attorney L. Lin Wood, Jr. who is a resident and legal voter of the state of Georgia, filed a legal complaint yesterday against not only Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, but also against the members of the Secretary of State’s State Board of Elections for getting into this agreement. more here

22 Comments on Lin Wood Files Lawsuit Challenging Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Alleged Unconstitutional Agreements With Dems

  1. He says the suit is air tight and relies on already decided case precedent.

    Does that matter if it comes before a liberal or cuck judge?

    Also, the army has confiscated an election server that was housed in Germany.
    What we need to know regarding this server is if Clinton people were involved in the maintenance of the server. Because if they were, we’ll find nothing on the server. Clinton people are way ahead of cops.

  2. Brad, good article! I talked to my mom today, a pure lib. We talked about a few things and I know she wanted to talk about the election. She kept saying, “well, I guess there is nothing else going on”. No doubt it drove her nuts that I wouldn’t bite. If she had actually brought it up I would have discussed it, but I wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up. Maybe I’ll send her this article instead.

  3. Once again, the dems and establishment ruling class republicrats have NEVER gone up against a non-political opponent. They have underestimated Trump at EVERY turn. They are used to the McShitstains and Mittens and Burn-me’s rolling over and saying f*ck me in the *ss. Trump doesn’t roll that way.

    F-U ruling class, we’re not gonna take it!

    Listen to the music, read the lyrics and enjoy.

  4. “Also, the army has confiscated an election server that was housed in Germany.”

    No, that was fake. You can log onto Scytl and see their response and refutation, and you cannot find anything even resembling official statements from anyone to support it.

  5. geez Brad. Thanks for the link. Wow. Saying “depths of corruption” doesnt even begin to cover this. Wow wow wow. No wonder Lin Wood said what he said about treason and prison time. The Nuremburg trials will be nothing compared to the cia on trial.

  6. “.. What to believe? The US military cannot just go on foreign soil like Germany and just do raids.

    If this story is true, what probably occurred is the German authorities could have passed the servers to the U.S. authorities upon request. ..” .

    “.. Scytl, a Spanish company headquartered in Barcelona offering a suite of election services, has been used by various states and cities in several ways since 2008.

    […] What is interesting is that the Spanish firm Scytl was declared bankrupt in June this year. The company filed for bankruptcy as part of a broader analysis of security vulnerabilities associated with digital voting.

    […] On 11 May 2020, facing debts of over 75 million euro, Scytl initiated bankruptcy proceedings with a view to sell its business to the U.S. investment fund Sandton Capital. On 2 June 2020, a Spanish court declared Scytl bankrupt and started the process of auctioning off its assets. ..”

  7. “You can log onto Scytl and see their response and refutation, and you cannot find anything even resembling official statements from anyone to support it.”

    Anonymous, is it possible that you’re seeing what they want you to see, and not finding what they don’t want you to find? If a clandestine operation such as this has occurred, the public results might look exactly as you describe. Not saying you’re wrong, but keep an open mind to the idea you’re being played as much as those who believe the server was seized.

  8. Brad, if the EO was signed in September of 2018 , how come the results of the midterms were not contested? I reckon either Trump used the midterms as observation and surveillance to prep for the big dance in 2020, or the foreign players weren’t very active in the midterms.

  9. “Anonymous, is it possible that you’re seeing what they want you to see, and not finding what they don’t want you to find?”

    Anything is possible, do you have any information you say they don’t want to be seen or information that would veritably contradict their statements?

    Maybe Q does and is keeping it secret, but I don’t and I can’t find any.

  10. @thirtwin, i think Trumps plan may have been to give them enough rope, then pray we get honest judges…. you can go through Lin Woods posts and prayingmedics most recent program and things start stringing together.

  11. As we are finding out, our elections have all been a scam. ALL OF THEM. The only reason we ever one is by massive voter turnout.

    Now, the left and their media bubble machine has completely corrupted our young and much of our middle-aged former students: they don’t have a clue what’s going on.

    Obama was the first traitor to ever be president. Now we have another traitor trying to get into the White House: biden.

  12. “Maybe Q does and is keeping it secret, but I don’t and I can’t find any.”

    I don’t follow Q, can’t say. But I never expected Hunter Biden’s foul laptop to pop up weeks before the election, and no way in hell did I expect to find out the FBI had it a year ago and sat on on it while Trump was being impeached.

    All I’m saying is consider that just because you see no evidence that something has happened, and you are told that it has not happened, does not mean that it—or a reasonable facsimile of it—has not happened.

  13. Will do, Brad. And check this out:

    “In Georgia, election integrity advocates managed to stop state lawmakers from passing a bill in 2018 (SB403) that would have enabled universal use ballot-marking devices. But lawmakers went ahead and passed a new bill (HB316), enabling them in 2019. Georgia has since purchased BMDs from Dominion, whose lobbyist, Jared Thomas, was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015 when Kemp was secretary of state. Dominion’s partner in the state is KNOWiNK, a supplier of electronic poll books, which are used to sign in voters and confirm voter registrations. KNOWiNK’s founder and CEO, Scott Leiendecker, is a former Republican election official whose wife donated $2,500 to the campaign of Georgia’s current secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, in November 2018.”

  14. I heard earlier today that Kemp made a deal with the Georgia dems (after his race against Tank Abrams(D)) not to contest future elections in the state, so they would leave him alone regarding Abrams’ failure.
    Plus all the stuff Thirdtwin posted I heard come out of a Georgia state official’s own mouth. (Can’t remember his name. Might be one of the state senators or a Rep)

  15. Thirdtwin

    Great link. To quote Sonny Crockett on one of my favorite episodes of Miami Vice, “This is DC pal, and you can’t tell the players without a program”. What a fucked up place with fucked up chicken shit people. This country needs a cleansing.


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