Lin Wood Tweet Storm – IOTW Report

Lin Wood Tweet Storm

Not sure what to make of it –

43 Comments on Lin Wood Tweet Storm

  1. I’ve been following this guy for a while. I think he’s losing it. Which is not good for our side.
    Q was huge on the Child Trafficking angle and I think Lin Wood ended up attached to a bunch of 8 chan guys that were continuing to push the same theme.

  2. OK Lin has had some moments where he makes a lot of sense, and then some moments where it looks like the cheese is sliding off his cracker. Let’s hope the cheese gets pulled back onto the cracker and something good comes out of any part of this.

    Or maybe he’s seinfeld’s Kramer. I don’t know.

  3. I think you all have a normalcy bias. This is something you’ve never seen before, and it is something you can’t comprehend doing yourself, so you can’t imagine anyone else doing this. But make no mistake, Baal worshipers have been sacrificing children sense the before the time of Christ.
    This is a depiction of what the Baal alter looked like. It was made of bronze, a fire would be made under it until it was red hot, and then the worshipers of Baal would sacrifice their child on it.
    Baal worship never went away it just went underground, and is making a comeback all around the world.

  4. His cornbread’s not cooked all the way through.
    How do I know for certain?
    If he were anywhere near the truth or threatening to the Dems, he’d be kicked off Twitter. He’s doing more harm to Trump than good so Jack’s allowing his madness to be amplified.

  5. Easier to follow:

    As background to tweets I am about to post, you should read this article carefully. I ask that you read each of my tweets carefully & decide if the information conveyed demands that Patriots rise up so that every lie will be revealed. @realDonaldTrump

    Memo warns Attorney General Jeff Sessions of VP Pence and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi after Minnesota court rules on international child trafficking evidence

    The price for speaking TRUTH can be high. Ultimately, one’s life & the lives of his or her family members & friends can be at risk or lost. I ask for your prayers that Almighty God cover me, my family members & close friends with Psalms 91 protection. @realDonaldTrump

    #WARNING our team members who live in Atlanta are being attached. One team members home took 5 shots through the windows in a drive by. Right through his daughters bedroom window. The #BiasAndHateMustStop

    — JovanHuttonPulitzer ™ #JovanHuttonPulitzer (@JovanHPulitzer) January 3, 2021

    I have shared with several individuals the TRUTH I will be speaking to you. Killing me will NOT prevent the TRUTH from being revealed – it will only trigger its release by many others. I ask @realDonaldTrump to immediately appoint an honest special prosecutor to pursue justice.

    I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information.

    This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies. One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy.

    The blackmail targets are approached with a gun, a child, & a camera. The target is ordered to rape the child on video. The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video. The target is then owned & controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail evidence loses its value.

    After Kappy received the hacked files from member of Lizard Squad, he gave files to one friend and the encryption key to another friend. He provided this information to his friends shortly before he was murdered in May 13, 2019. Members of Lizard Squad were jailed for hacking.

    Jeffrey Epstein used this same blackmail scheme of child rape & child murder to either further his own interests or those of any intelligence agency with whom he worked. ALL who flew on his private jet or visited his island must be IMMEDIATELY interrogated & brought to justice.

    I decided to post this truth on Twitter & Parler as wall exists around @realDonaldTrump that may have prevented me from getting this evidence to him. Kappy tried to deliver info to President but was then murdered. I do not know who Kappy gave it to for delivery to the President.

    I have concerns that information from Kappy was not delivered to @realDonaldTrump & his effort to get it to President may have caused his death. I am aware that my life is now at great risk. But I put my faith in God. I prayed before I made the decision. I had to reveal TRUTH.

    Now you have greater context for the message I tweeted below on January 1. I had hoped that this revelation would trigger resignations & confessions. Unsure of that result, I had to reveal full extent of my knowledge. I am doing so now.

    On 5/13/19, Actor Isaac Kappy died after he “forced himself off” a bridge in Arizona. He was 42.

    His last post on Instagram was “Beware the man that has nothing to lose, for he has nothing to protect.”

    Isaac knew the lies. I know the key to his treasure trove of TRUTH.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 1, 2021

    This tweet was an insurance policy. The evil forces behind this blackmail scheme of child rape & murder need to know that others have encryption key. I have procedure in place if I die in near term or any member of my family is harmed or threatened, key will be released by many.

    I have always seen myself as more of a giver of gifts than a receiver of them. If I had key to a treasure trove, I would share the key or the treasure with others. But I always try to give to others with discernment.

    “For many are called, but few are chosen.” – Matthew 22:14

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 1, 2021

    I would never make an accusation without having reliable source for it. Stakes are too high. So I did due diligence to validate the accuracy of the shocking information I am revealing tonight. I am entirely comfortable that you are learning the truth. A truth that explains much.

    The 10 intelligence agencies who have members employing this blackmail scheme include CCP, CIA, Mossad, FBI, MI6. The others are easily identifiable. The agencies do not which of them was hacked by Lizard Squad. @realDonaldTrump

    I have no idea extent of blackmail scheme of raping & killing children but given the number of agencies involved, the hundreds of thousands of missing children, & the otherwise inexplicable actions of many powerful officials, celebrities, & business leaders, I fear the worst.

    The number of missing children worldwide & in United States is staggering.

    So I have now conveyed the truth as I know it. There has been a rising chorus of people questioning my sanity in recent days. Now you can understand why. I have no idea what will be done to me or said about me in coming days, but I will rest well tonight for having spoken truth.

    Many issues in our world may be tied to blackmail scheme I described tonight, including bizarre behavior of officials & judges in recent election. @realDonaldTrump must appoint special prosecutor to thoroughly investigate. We need answers. We must investigate. For the children.

    If asked to turn over the encryption key & other information I have to law enforcement, I will only agree to provide it directly to @realDonaldTrump, @GenFlynn or @SidneyPowell1. I trust them. Again, please pray for my family. Thank you. – Lin

    As background to tweets I am about to post, you should read this article carefully. I ask that you read each of my tweets carefully & decide if the information conveyed demands that Patriots rise up so that every lie will be revealed.@realDonaldTrump

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    The price for speaking TRUTH can be high. Ultimately, one’s life & the lives of his or her family members & friends can be at risk or lost.

    I ask for your prayers that Almighty God cover me, my family members & close friends with Psalms 91 protection.@realDonaldTrump

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    I have shared with several individuals the TRUTH I will be speaking to you. Killing me will NOT prevent the TRUTH from being revealed – it will only trigger its release by many others.

    I ask @realDonaldTrump to immediately appoint an honest special prosecutor to pursue justice.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape.

    I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies.

    One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    After Kappy received the hacked files from member of Lizard Squad, he gave files to one friend and the encryption key to another friend. He provided this information to his friends shortly before he was murdered in May 13, 2019. Members of Lizard Squad were jailed for hacking.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    Jeffrey Epstein used this same blackmail scheme of child rape & child murder to either further his own interests or those of any intelligence agency with whom he worked.

    ALL who flew on his private jet or visited his island must be IMMEDIATELY interrogated & brought to justice.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    I decided to post this truth on Twitter & Parler as wall exists around @realDonaldTrump that may have prevented me from getting this evidence to him.

    Kappy tried to deliver info to President but was then murdered. I do not know who Kappy gave it to for delivery to the President.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    I have concerns that information from Kappy was not delivered to @realDonaldTrump & his effort to get it to President may have caused his death.

    I am aware that my life is now at great risk. But I put my faith in God. I prayed before I made the decision. I had to reveal TRUTH.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    Now you have greater context for the message I tweeted below on January 1.

    I had hoped that this revelation would trigger resignations & confessions. Unsure of that result, I had to reveal full extent of my knowledge. I am doing so now.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    This tweet was an insurance policy. The evil forces behind this blackmail scheme of child rape & murder need to know that others have encryption key. I have procedure in place if I die in near term or any member of my family is harmed or threatened, key will be released by many.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    I would never make an accusation without having reliable source for it. Stakes are too high. So I did due diligence to validate the accuracy of the shocking information I am revealing tonight. I am entirely comfortable that you are learning the truth. A truth that explains much.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    The 10 intelligence agencies who have members employing this blackmail scheme include CCP, CIA, Mossad, FBI, MI6. The others are easily identifiable.

    The agencies do not which of them was hacked by Lizard Squad.@realDonaldTrump

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    I have no idea extent of blackmail scheme of raping & killing children but given the number of agencies involved, the hundreds of thousands of missing children, & the otherwise inexplicable actions of many powerful officials, celebrities, & business leaders, I fear the worst.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    The number of missing children worldwide & in United States is staggering.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    So I have now conveyed the truth as I know it.

    There has been a rising chorus of people questioning my sanity in recent days. Now you can understand why. I have no idea what will be done to me or said about me in coming days, but I will rest well tonight for having spoken truth.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    Many issues in our world may be tied to blackmail scheme I described tonight, including bizarre behavior of officials & judges in recent election.@realDonaldTrump must appoint special prosecutor to thoroughly investigate. We need answers. We must investigate. For the children.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

    If asked to turn over the encryption key & other information I have to law enforcement, I will only agree to provide it directly to @realDonaldTrump, @GenFlynn or @SidneyPowell1.

    I trust them.

    Again, please pray for my family.

    Thank you. – Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 4, 2021

  6. I keep saying this, but if Lin Wood was trying to make Trump supporters look like complete lunatics while simultaneously torpedoing any effort to legitimately expose voter fraud, what would he be doing differently?

    This isn’t 4-D chess. It’s Louise Mensch-level lunacy.

  7. Even if everything he said about epstein (example) is complete truth. How does that shit help anybody right now. We know there’s sex trafficking, we know sheriffs, mayors, etc. were busted being involved in it. But how does swearing Epstein is alive, john roberts (the judge or the reporter) meddling or peddling children, or secret notes handed to people, help fight election fraud or trafficking? FFS, if Epstein’s not dead, get a warrant and exhume his evil carcass from his plot. Or hire out some diggers. Bribe a medical examiner to give you the goods. How does proclaiming shit about it on twatter prove epstein’s not dead?

  8. I knew Lin many years ago, he was married to one of my close friends at the time. He was known around the Atlanta area as a brilliant attorney and was very skilled before the court. Of course, I haven’t seen him for 35 years, so I can’t claim to know what is going on, but I will pray for him, nonetheless.

  9. Lin Wood did good by Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse. That goes a far way with me. Not sure what to believe, but I too will be praying for him, and his safety.

  10. Lin Wood hasn’t just jumped the shark with his latest pronouncements, he has jumped over the entire shark tank at the Monterey Aquarium. He’s beginning to make CNN’s favorite Presidential Candidate, Michael Avanatti, look like a piker when it comes to wild and unpredictable observations. Could this be the first certifiable case of Obiden-Kalamity Derangement Syndrome?

  11. MJA if there’s one thing that has confounded us all about the Big Steal is the willingness of Republicans to ignore the evidence in the face of mounting proof. If Wood is correct in even a portion of what he asserts, how far would it go to explaining the willingness of good people to look away as evil is being done to the nation?

    Who would of thought just four months ago that their fellow citizens were not only capable but willing to do to subvert a basic premise of our republic on a massive (and not altogether concealed) in order to regain power? So it’s very hard to reconcile what is alleged, what is evidence and what is pure unaltered imagination.

    I can’t say what Wood has stated to be true, partly true or completely false, but I’m not willing to dismiss what’s been said out of the realm of possibility, just yet. Past revelations make such outlandish accusations all the more plausible today.

  12. I’m going to go on the record to say that Lin Wood is completely sane and is letting the Holy Spirit guide him in every step. And we all know how bizarre God and the Holy Spirit can seem, which is why so many people reject the holy spirit’s instructions and end up at a dead end, not living their God intended life. It takes a lot of faith and trust to be guided entirely by the Holy Spirit. I’m sure even Lin at times thinks what he is saying I’m doing is a little bonkers.

  13. @Dr. Tar

    “MJA if there’s one thing that has confounded us all about the Big Steal is the willingness of Republicans to ignore the evidence in the face of mounting proof.”

    Most Republicans are not ignoring the evidence, it is plain enough, even to sell outs like Paul Ryan, we all see it, the problem is in the redress. The Constitution is not ambiguous in this regard; the people of the individual states through the electoral college (not Congress) decides elections. They entrusted the adjudication of election disputes to the courts (not Congress). This is the system we have chosen to live by. Frustration ensues when the courts, specifically SCOTUS whose job is to adjudicate states disputes, has refused to even look at the evidence.

    “Who would of thought just four months ago that their fellow citizens were not only capable but willing to do to subvert a basic premise of our republic on a massive (and not altogether concealed) in order to regain power?”

    Anybody that was paying attention and has seen how the Democrats operate. We have all seen election fraud in the past, and once the states, through the false flag of “safety” in the face of the pandemic, decided to mail out ballots willy nilly, and extend the timeline for counting all these ballots, it was crystal clear that the fix was in.

  14. Lin Wood should go hire investigators and grave diggers for the epstein matters.
    What he’s claiming to be real and true is not at all the same as the investigators showing who what where and how the election fraud happened.
    You can’t meld the epstein stuff with it and proclaim he’s onto something.
    One was investigated. The other was not.
    I can, and will, disagree with Lin Wood on one matter but agree with him on the other (election fraud).

  15. One thought I had seeing so many of these tweets have been late at night is does Lin Wood drink. Particularly when he cleaned up points made or now is suggesting an article he posted last night might not have been from a reliable source. As a defamation attorney he’d know this is opening himself up to lawsuits if what he is saying is incorrect. Other than his public appearance with Powell where he demanded Georgian’s not vote for the Republicans (unless they fight for Trump) he really doesn’t seem to have any insight or connection to POTUS or his legal team.

  16. @ Dr. Tar
    I’m with you on this. All of these people obviously have something to hide and there have been way too many mysterious deaths that the media doesn’t want to talk about and officials want to rule as quickly as possible as suicides or natural causes.
    As for all the child trafficking, I started doing research after the leaked e-mails and then the Q stuff. There are some sick people out there and some who have gone to jail for their sick stuff and some of them tried to tell tales, but were more or less shut up or labeled as crazy. I couldn’t continue my research because a normal mind can’t handle that stuff and it was literally making me ill.

    Most people have always thought they had something on Roberts, many on our side, myself included never trusted Pence.

    A few years ago you would have been called a nut for talking about the New World Order, now they openly talk about it. A few years ago if someone told you they would shut down businesses, order people to not see their family and everyone ordered to wear a mask, most would have called that person crazy.

    There is absolutely nothing at this point that would make me think someone is crazy for saying. So for my part, whether he is indeed crazy, is making crap up or actually has the evidence to back it up, I’m going to wait and see and not jump on the bandwagon to call him crazy. If he’s proven to be nuts, then that wouldn’t surprise me either, but if he’s proven to have the evidence I still won’t be surprised.

  17. Jethro… YES! .. a really poignant film for today!! ‘Brotherhood of the Bell’. I think about that film and Justice Roberts… It really could apply to a lot of bizarre Judicial calls lately.

  18. I’m inclined to agree with Dianny. I’ve even read that he’s an asset of the left, used to discredit Trump supporters.

    His tweets are just too explosive for none of it to be leaked in any way previously. The whole premise of raping and murdering a child is beyond the pale. I don’t buy it.

  19. @MJA – yeah, I saw Sandmann’s response to all of this. It doesn’t take away from the fact that Wood did very well for young Nick. On the other hand, I can see someone as young as Nick being incredulous that anyone would say such things. I guess I am just of an age that I’ve seen enough that I never thought could be true, actually happen. And people in power have routinely let me down monumentally. The truth will out, eventually…just may not be as quickly as we would like.

  20. I found this interesting that one of Wood’s sources is John Dark White aka Johnheretohelp, according to his tweets. From what I’ve been able to gather he was an informant to the government who ended up I guess knowing too much and as one of the lucky ones they just decided to make him a criminal instead of killing him, as some including him believe happened to his friend.

    Again, it’s hard for a normal mind to wrap around the evil and craziness in the world, but it’s real hard to ignore all the suspicious deaths that somehow end up having all investigations shut down by the FBI.

    I read a tweet last night by Jack Posobiec that said Trump is talking about firing everyone and declassifying everything. I say quit talking and release it all, everything including FBI files, do it even if it’s just you and your family or 80 million patriots going in guns blazing to get the documents.

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