Lincoln Project Soft Skulls Help Spread Foreign Disinformation – IOTW Report

Lincoln Project Soft Skulls Help Spread Foreign Disinformation

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

If you needed more proof that Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt the other nasty knuckle draggers at The Lincoln Project are really nothing more than a bunch of overpaid trolls,  look no further than the tweet they tried to delete, that basically peddled Iranian disinformation, soon after the Director of National Intelligence said they had proof that Iran has been sending spoof emails to U.S. registered voters. The disinformation that was tweeted was designed to intimidate voters, create social unrest and chaos in the election process.
Because that doesn’t sound like election interference or anything. more here

2 Comments on Lincoln Project Soft Skulls Help Spread Foreign Disinformation

  1. If Steve Schmidt didn’t have such a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, he might be more entertaining and less pathetic. Leslie Stahl sure loves him and his other Running Dogs of Socialism is Better than Trump. What he really needs is another McCain funeral to talk about on CNN.

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