Linda Sarsour Got Accused Of Harassment Cover Up. Now Her Accuser’s Being Sued – IOTW Report

Linda Sarsour Got Accused Of Harassment Cover Up. Now Her Accuser’s Being Sued

DC: Asmi Fathelbab accused Linda Sarsour in December of covering for the man who allegedly sexually harassed her while she worked for the Arab American Association, and now the alleged harasser is suing Fathelbab.

“I’m astonished that I’m being sued by my stalker, harasser and assaulter,” Asmi Fathelbab said, according to Fox News. “Since he stopped stalking me in 2012, this is the first time I heard from him,” she added.

Asmi Fathelbab told The Daily Caller in December that Sarsour, then the executive director of the Arab American Association, that her coworker Made Seif had rubbed her crotch without her consent and had stalked her in 2009 while she worked as an employee for the group. First reported Saturday, Seif is now suing for defamation, maintaining that Fathelbab’s claims are false.

Fathelbab maintains that Sarsour dismissed her allegations, charging that no one would believe her because “something like that doesn’t happen to someone who looks [like her]” Fox News reported. Sarsour allegedly dismissed the allegations because the accused was a “good Muslim” who was “always at the Mosque” Fathelbab told TheDC.  MORE

10 Comments on Linda Sarsour Got Accused Of Harassment Cover Up. Now Her Accuser’s Being Sued

  1. “while she worked for the Arab American Association”

    Unless she has been living a cloistered life up until then she had to be aware of what she was signing up for.

  2. “coworker Made Seif had rubbed her crotch”

    once again Trump is proven correct in his statement of fact,

    which all the msm pretended to mistakenly take for an admission of his own actions,

    that some women will let you do anything to them for their chance at their 15 minutes of fame.

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