Lindell Proposes Using Drones to Stop Voting Fraud – IOTW Report

Lindell Proposes Using Drones to Stop Voting Fraud


A drone that [Mike] Lindell estimated can detect internet access within 100 yards is connected to a device known as the Wireless Monitoring Device, described as “a sophisticated network connection monitoring system designed specifically with election security in mind.”

According to a video tutorial presented to the audience, that device would detect whether election computers are connected to the internet in municipal, county and state offices and polling places. Anyone with a smartphone, for example, would automatically be detected by the device based on technology that recognizes IP addresses and internal computer hardware.

When a connection is detected, screens affiliated with a command center would display a webpage confirming the connections based on access points and the wireless clients in a particular room or building. More

38 Comments on Lindell Proposes Using Drones to Stop Voting Fraud

  1. You don’t have to worry about illicit internet connections when people vote with pencil and paper, ballots are counted at the polling place, and results reported by voice telephone.

  2. Mike should spend more time revamping his monotonous commercials. They suck! Hire actors and keep his homely mug out of them. Heard them about 10,000 times. Always having a phony sale.
    He has proven he is no good at politics. Thank God I don’t listen to Fox news anymore, now I rarely run across the annoying 2 minute spots that just waste my time.

  3. Source code, no wireless, and uncrackable authentication of all memory devices such as blockchain security. Secure facilities for processing akin to cleanrooms: nothing in or out, and no tablecloths and curtains.

  4. Who is in jail for fraudulent actions during the 2020 election, Brad?
    Who is on trial for changing votes Brad?
    Where are the whistleblowers you speak of?
    How can the DA in Atlanta charge Trump since this has all been litigated in his favor?
    I’ll wait…

    Someone has been in a coma, not me…

    Tell me, do you pray to the Kraken after you put on your jammies at night?

  5. “Who is in jail for fraudulent actions during the 2020 election, Brad?”

    You’re going to state these charges like they’re legit? If you believe that I think I’m safe in saying you’re on the wrong blog. You need to find a Libtard blog where people will agree with you. You continually show signs of being a hard core Bush Republican or an out right Lib. I’m wondering how many people on IOTWReports believe the charges brought against Trump are legit. I’m going to guess less than 10% and that includes you and your new lover. You assert Trump is guilty. I assert you are a Libtard plant.

  6. “Tell me, why is Dominion getting rich suing people who slander them?”

    You are on their side. You rat bastard. Its a fixed game. Dominion wins because the swamp see’s to it. You need to state point blank right now that you don’t believe there was any election fraud. Well, actually I guess you’ve already stated that.
    Per Loco, There was no election fraud. I’ll post this on every thread on IotwReports so people see you for what you are.
    I’m out.

  7. @LBS – this video shows in detail how the Mesa County (AZ I think) dominion machine is deliberately set up to flip votes among other things using software that is not certified to be on the system (SQL Server). You can skip to 3:40 of you want to skip the intro and the guy’s qualifications and background. I found it very convincing evidence of how our elections have been stolen for many years.

  8. After cursory watching this, it shows how cheating could possibly be done.
    Of course it doesn’t take into account checksums, back-up databases, recounts of actual ballots not matching, etc.
    It would take far more than one person to do the cheating.
    This would put multiple people in jeopardy of prison time.

    I want proof it was actually done.
    I think we all do.
    The election was ridiculous and changing votes doesn’t have to happen for biden* to have been declared the winner.
    Far too many other issues at play after covid.

  9. I’m curious how this guy got the image of the hard drive?

    Any cheating would have to come from the higher-ups.
    No poll working schlub could manage this.
    Risk of getting caught would be pretty high during a recount.
    Obviously others have the same concerns.

  10. @LBS it was Mesa County, CO (not AZ) and Tina Peters who was the election administrator was charged with crimes by the state AG for allowing these people access to the dominion machine, even though it was an image (copy) so they didn’t actually have to do anything inside the machine. It is highly suspect that dominion tells the elections officials that there are no modems or wireless access points in their systems, and then these guys find multiple wireless cards / modems in the systems.

    Later in the video, he goes through it in more detail and notes that the system logs don’t have any indication that anything was changed, even though he just changed them. These systems were designed and set up to steal elections without leaving behind evidence. That in itself proves to me that any elections using these machines are fraudulent because the system was clearly designed (with basically no security layers) to manipulate the results of any election any way you want. Dominion lied and lied about everything to do with remote access and security – they wouldn’t have to lie about it if fraud wasn’t the true intent.

  11. Tina Peters ran in the primary for SoS in Colorado after she discovered all these problems. The the establishment in CO indicted her for supposedly illegally tampering with election equipment even though she was in charge of the elections for Mesa County which greatly decreased her chances of winning (the same law-fare strategy being deployed against Trump). If things were on the up and up, they wouldn’t mind elections administrators checking out the machines to ensure they were set up properly and operated properly to administer an honest election.

  12. Well Bubba’s, you are talking about a huge conspiracy.
    IMHO, nothing realistically can really be done about 2020 at this point.
    I just hope that some on our side will be watching closely in 2024, perhaps even laying traps.
    We need irrefutable proof of a conspiracy & fraud to steal a presidential election.
    The stakes are high.
    In the meantime, our side needs to harvest as many ballots as possible…

  13. To some extent I agree you can’t un-ring the bell (2020) as a practical matter, but I also believe that if we just forget about what was so obviously a stolen election, it only emboldens them to keep cheating. If they can effectively censor people into not even being able to talk about what a fraud 2020 was and prove how easy it is to cheat without leaving behind evidence (which makes it very hard to prove fraud when the machines are designed to not log illegitimate actions), they will be even more successful at censoring people about the stolen election of 2024.

  14. This video also explains why the “red wave” of 2022 never materialized. The red wave happened, but it was blunted and hidden because the machines were used to manipulate the vote tallies. There were enough red stated elections officials that they couldn’t realistically prevent the republicans from gaining control of the house, but the criminals here in GA (Raffensperger and Kemp) willingly allowed the senate elections to be stolen (probably as part of a corrupt bargain where they could remain in power in the state).

  15. Now that covid is over they won’t have the cover they had.
    Still, it will take a lot for our side to catch any entrenched cheating.
    We need solid proof, easy to replicate and display.
    Just one or two states caught doing this will bring it to a boil.
    That said, all this crap makes me want our side to find a way to out-cheat the cheaters…

  16. I’m still dubious about the SQL backdoor claim.
    All of these values should be exported to the master server in real time.
    Changing them on this machine would not change the values at the master.
    Easily discovered by audit.
    They certainly have other security in place.
    Like I said, if it’s true they changed votes a few people are risking real time in prison.

  17. I posted this on a different thread last night. Start at about 1:00 and watch for a couple of minutes. There is a 100,000+ spike for Biden in GA at the exact same time as Ruby Freeman and her cohorts finished scanning in ballots in Fulton County after everyone was told to go home because of a water leak. That’s pretty strong evidence of fraud in my opinion – illicit scanning (scanning the same batch of ballots multiple times) with no poll watchers present and Biden gets a huge instantaneous spike in votes seems like pretty clear evidence of fraud. The whole video is worth watching.

    I suspect that at least a fair amount of evidence that Trump will show is included in this video. It is from “Silk” (of Diamond and Silk) and is about 17 minutes long. Silk only talks for the first few seconds to introduce the video which documents a whole lot of election fraud including in GA. If you haven’t seen evidence yet, this video will show a lot of factual evidence that the MSM won’t discuss.

  18. Kemp claimed he would authorize an audit, and the day after his daughter’s boyfriend’s jeep mysteriously exploded on I-16, Kemp quietly withdrew the authorization for an audit. So an audit was never done other than a very small sample (predetermined batches in the neighborhood of a few thousand ballots out of millions) from a couple of metro Atlanta counties. There were some inaccuracies discovered, but of course the excuse was given that it wasn’t enough to change the outcome of the election.

  19. With regard to the SQL Server and the master server. remember that the votes for the presidential election are sent overseas to be tallied by SCYTL who “maintains” the main server database. The point of the guys in the video was that this could be done at any point in the system process including the “local” machine and any of the transmission / collection points. With no logging as evidence, the altered vote totals could be transmitted back to the local machines from the main server. They said they were amazed at the complete lack of security layers and protocols in the system and that any incompetent tech even could gain access to the system and manipulate things throughout.

  20. Loco, they cheated, you could watch them cheat real time. As for covid as cover haven’t you heard, they say there’s a new variant that spreads like wildfire, TSA and Border Control already have the goods that Biden is reinstating mask mandates for them.

  21. ORWW, Ok, we saw it.
    Now what?
    Has the guy in Bubba’s video been called up to congress to testify?
    Who is compiling all of this evidence?
    Has anyone been charged for the crime?
    Is there a jury empaneled?

    Simply saying it was stolen and there’s tons of evidence and we all know it plus $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee…

  22. There is precious little direct evidence because it was flushed down the toilet, but a gigantic amount of circumstantial evidence which points to the fact that Joe’s victory could not possibly have happened without ballot fraud

    I was watching in AZ when Trump was up by five late in the evening .. but Fox wouldnt call for Trump, even tho’ AZ has gone R in every election (except for Dole) since Harry Truman in ’48. But they JUST wanted to make sure. And then for the first time in AZ history, counting stopped. About 4 days later, I’LL BE DAMNED, AZ goes Dem just like the five other states that stopped counting for the first time in THEIR history. Made you wonder if Sec State Katie Holes had anything to do with that

    Everybody in my neighborhood watch party knew Dems were going for the steal. What we couldnt possibly know is that the courts and the Republicans would do nothing about it


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