Lindsay Graham – “How Am I Losing?” – IOTW Report

Lindsay Graham – “How Am I Losing?”


“On our side, you’ve got the No. 2 guy [who] tried to kill someone at 14, and the No. 1 is high energy and crazy as hell. How am I losing to these people?” he said.


When Graham was 14, he tried to stab a guy in the ass… with his dick.


24 Comments on Lindsay Graham – “How Am I Losing?”

  1. Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey … sometimes life just ain’t fair … now go lay down and put that “pacifier” back in your “mouth” and go to sleep … Johnnie McCain’ll be along in a little while to “tuck you in.”

  2. “Just look at Donald Trump’s foreign policy. What is it? What is he going to do about ISIL? What is it? What is it? What is his game plan to destroy ISIL? Does anybody know?” –Lindsey Graham

    Mr. Graham, sire, you don’t really believe anyone going to trust a man named Lindsey to deal with ISIL, do you?

  3. “There’s a reason 75 percent of Hispanics disapprove of this guy,” [Lindsey] said. “We will get slaughtered if he’s the nominee. So if you give a damn about winning, pick someone who doesn’t dig the hole deeper with Hispanics.”

    Mr. Graham, sir, one of the reasons Trump is kicking your rump is that he talks about middle and working class whites as though we still matter.

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