Lindsay Graham: ‘These Investigations Against Trump Were Corrupt to the Core’ – IOTW Report

Lindsay Graham: ‘These Investigations Against Trump Were Corrupt to the Core’


On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, which has turned into special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, was “corrupt at the core.”

Partial transcript as follows:

MACCALLUM: I want to ask you before I let you go a non-foreign policy question with regards to Bruce Ohr, who is a Department of Justice official Who worked under Sally Yates and just a few offices down from the head of the Justice Department. He’s becoming a much more central figure in what looks to be the initiation of this Russia investigation. What do you know about that?

GRAHAM: Well, he was the number four guy at the Department of Justice. His wife worked for Fusion GPS, the firm hired by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to get — to find dirt on Trump. They hired Christopher Steele, a former British agent, who went to Russia to gather a dossier that I think is a bunch of political garbage.  MORE

13 Comments on Lindsay Graham: ‘These Investigations Against Trump Were Corrupt to the Core’

  1. Amazing how liberated Miss Lindsey has become now that McStain is approaching the day he assumes room temperature. I guess Graham has decided to hitch his star to Trump’s orbit.

  2. Lindsay Graham. RINO, Gang of Eight amnesty tool, NeverTrumper and McStain’s sock-puppet. Happy to vote away civilian privacy at every turn citing the war on terror, happy to reach across the aisle to JO his Democrat friends at anytime. Anything that comes out of his yap should be regarded with skepticism. Guy spends more time on Sunday talk shows than representing his constituents.

  3. Let’s recap. Special counsel Mueller via the FBI via Christopher Steele via fusion GPS via Bruce Orr via Hillary Clinton conspired with the Russians to create an investigation to show how Trump colluded with the Russians? It seems like a whole lotta people committed treason to show that one man did something that’s not even illegal. WTF!?!

    Conspiring with the Russians to undermine US elections is an act of treason. Collusion is not even a crime. How are these people not being investigated? How are they not in prison?

    We all know that nothing will happen. Congress will hold committee meetings and talk sternly to a few people. Then everything will go back to business as usual.

  4. Ah the good old Lindsey shuffle,. He has a keen sense of the voters mood and reacts accordingly. He’ll stab us in the back again just as sure as the sun rises.

  5. You are way too late to the party pal and you are a verified RINO (a.k.a., a zombie Demoncrat). Hard to believe Leslie Grahamnesty is a US Senator. The South Carolina voters need to rid themselves of this doofus.


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