Lindsey Graham Calls On the Right To Rally Around Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Calls On the Right To Rally Around Ted Cruz

In the clip he says the right loses because we haven’t caved on illegal-immigration.

He says Trump will “get beat like a drum” by Hillary, so our only hope is Ted Cruz.

34 Comments on Lindsey Graham Calls On the Right To Rally Around Ted Cruz

  1. Is anyone taking him seriously? Is someone stopping what they’re doing and listening to him? Why does he keep getting reelected in SC? How did that same state give Trump a resounding win and at the same time, have this man win state wide elections.

    It’s not that he’s doing something that 3 months ago he would have said he’d never in a zillion years do, that is supporting Cruz. It’s that he’s a fucking joke.

  2. Thanks a lot Lindsay. That is the kiss of death. I liked it better when you said he could be murdered in the Senate and you guys would’nt convict anyone. So you go from everybody in the Senate hates him and they wouldn’t care if he was murdered to Rah Rah, lets behind Ted Cruz.

    This douche bag needs to go South Carolina. Do us all a favor please. He is so out of touch and seeking attention from the media that he is saying even more stupid stuff than usual.

  3. Graham is right for many reasons none of which really make any sense but this is Graham. I may have to break from Cruz and support Trump because I somehow feel dirty knowing Grahamnesty suddenly agrees with me.

    What to do…. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 loaded spin the cylinder, cock hammer, point barrel at head..

  4. one wonders why are they so afraid of Trump. Probably because he will shine the light on the all the corruption in Washington DC today. Destroy their taxpayer fed kingdom.

  5. On one hand he perfectly describes Trumps appeal …”Anti Obama, a strong man that can’t be bought, a successful man that will fix a broken town, owes nothing to anybody, a guy that will tell our enemies “get back in line”, and will change America and make it great again…… Yet he sees a demogague???

    He is talking about beating Trump in the primaries and caucused, I respect (ugh) him more than any one who plays the #AnyonebutTrump crap with the general.

  6. I’m just shaking my head in disbelief that the Cruz and anti-Trump factions cannot see the tactical assault being waged by the establishment on both Cruz and Trump (finally we know exactly who “They” and “Them” are). Lindsay Graham just told us that he sees Cruz as merely a tool to help clear the path in Florida for a Rubio win. Kasich cannot split the vote enough in Florida and other states do the job. To Them, Cruz = tool.

    Something else Graham explicitly stated (using the trademarked Establishment voice) is that Cruz is pro-amnesty. If you think Graham is a calculated liar on this point, read this piece on why Jeff Sessions did not endorse Ted Cruz:

    Cruz is not going to make it to the number of delegates needed to go to the convention and stake his claim on the nomination. To think otherwise, stating it generously, is wishful thinking. He does not have wide enough popular support to pull off that feat. He is going to be played by his Esteemed Colleagues in the Senate and will wind up falling back into line when this election is over and probably get some keen committee assignments as a reward. Look what their counterparts in the House did for Paul Ryan’s faithful service.

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