Lindsey Graham Needs To Pursue Those Who Lied During The Kavanaugh Debacle – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Needs To Pursue Those Who Lied During The Kavanaugh Debacle

The Federalist: Since taking over three weeks ago as chairman for the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham has already staked out several key priorities for the committee. The list will please conservatives: confirm more judges and investigate the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI for their handling of the Russia collusion investigation, the Hillary Clinton email investigation, and the use of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to obtain a warrant to surveil former Trump campaign aid Carter Page.

Yet Graham has so far omitted an equally significant area of inquiry for the Senate Judiciary Committee: the possible criminal conduct undertaken to thwart the confirmation of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Was There Criminal Conduct in the Kavanaugh Debacle?

The public may have quickly forgotten the month-long spectacle that began after news broke on September 12, 2017—five days after the Senate Judiciary Committee had concluded hearings on Kavanaugh’s nomination—that an unnamed woman had sent Sen. Dianne Feinstein a letter accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. The following day, Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued a terse press release confirming that she had “received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.”

Feinstein’s three-sentence statement provided no details, asserting that the accuser had requested confidentiality. Feinstein added that she had “referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

Ford then outed herself to The Washington Post as the author of the letter, with the newspaper reporting Ford’s claim that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her while the two were in high school on February 16. Then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley immediately sought to interview Ford, but her attorneys kept Ford under wraps until September 27, when Ford testified under oath before the committee.

Between the time Ford first detailed her charges against Kavanaugh in her letter to Feinstein (dated July 31, 2018) and her late-September testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, many of the details changed. As sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell explained in the report she drafted after questioning Ford on behalf of Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, Ford provided inconsistent accounts concerning nearly every aspect of the alleged assault.   more here

9 Comments on Lindsey Graham Needs To Pursue Those Who Lied During The Kavanaugh Debacle

  1. @Anonymous January 26, 2019 at 5:31 pm, probably because he tried to keep it all for himself rather than passing a “fair share” up the DNC ladder! Had to make him an example for the others.

  2. The incidences of injustice on the American people done by our gov’t is miles wide and deep. If I could do one thing today, it would be to completely sweep the DoJ, FBI, CIA and their myriad so-called investigative and security organizations. Just wipe them out entirely. Get a new head of Justice we can absolutely trust. It’s ridiculous. The state of affairs in our so-called “Justice” system is probably about the most demoralizing thing we have right now. That and the southern border. Those and the number of illegals leeching off us. All that and the media….

  3. Right after we prosecute Eric Holder
    for treason and then hang him high on
    the noose.The day after.I am sure our
    congress will get right on it…
    Make me puke!


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