Lindsey Graham, Of All People, Summarizes Succinctly What is Wrong With This Current Kavanaugh Accuser Circus – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham, Of All People, Summarizes Succinctly What is Wrong With This Current Kavanaugh Accuser Circus

Now that McCain is dead, Graham’s testicles seem to be descending.

Here is Graham on Avenatti’s accuser-

ht/ Riverlife Callie

17 Comments on Lindsey Graham, Of All People, Summarizes Succinctly What is Wrong With This Current Kavanaugh Accuser Circus

  1. Back-peddling RINO Lindsey (now that his buddy McCain is gone) needs to eat a big steamy bowl of STFU. Even if he is unseated by a Dem, what would the difference be? Only one more warmonger coward gone, replaced by a socialist.
    ((Sorry to all for this re-post from the Rosie O’Donnell thing, just felt it had more meaning here))

  2. A 4th accuser has now come out. As I stated, the repubes delayed this for an entire week to allow the steady stream of lies to come out in the media, with no counter punches, creating a fever pitch of chaos. Grassley allowed it to give plausible cover for a handful of repubes to defect. The will say there is no way in good conscience they can vote for him with so many unanswered questions and they need more time, they also want to be fair to Kavanaugh and hear his side of the story and to be cleared by an investigation etc…. Grahm has a free pass to talk tough and fool his voters, because the defectors have already been chosen and designated to vote against Kavanaugh and he aint one of them. Its all theater. There are few options left.

  3. Yeah. Unfortunately I took the “US & Eh?” Podcast into the rated R category when I let it slip that Graham has gotten much better since his butt-buddy died. However I may have accidentally put it a tiny bit more vividly…Sorry Mr. Pinko, it slipped! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Lindsey did some good in the House.
    He prosecuted BJ Clinton in the Impeachment phase.
    Did McCain vote to remove BJ?
    When miss Lindsey was elected to the Senate he became totally unreliable.
    Who knows?
    If he supports Trump now that is a plus.
    Oh and Mike Brown was a thug.
    I hope he returns to a reliable conservative.
    MAGA miss Lindsey!

  5. @Old Racist White Woman, correct way to be to be! First thing is realizing they are the same! Otherwise it’s only just a childish pissing match leaving out the self pocket lining forever pensions, for them that is,,,

  6. Go, Lindsey! ….sigh….. Trump (and me) will take all the help he can get.

    Vote in November. (And, as Michelle demands, drag all your apolitical friends to the polls as well. We need a red wave.)
    ….Lady in Red

  7. @Mike Brown is an American Hero September 26, 2018 at 7:44 pm

    > There are few options left.

    Awh, Mr. Brown. The options were, all, gone before you could internets. But you’ll get there. Eventually.

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