Lindsey Graham Suggests Kamala Harris Could Be Impeached When GOP Retakes House – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Suggests Kamala Harris Could Be Impeached When GOP Retakes House


In the wake of the Democrat’s second failed attempt to impeach and remove President Trump, Lindsey Graham, in an appearance of Fox News Sunday, said that Democrats have now opened Pandora’s Box, and that by the standard they’ve set, Kamala Harris has met their requirement for impeachment.

“The trial record was a complete joke,” Senator Graham said. “Hearsay on top of hearsay, and we’ve opened Pandora’s Box for future presidents and if you use this model, I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if Republicans take over the House because she actually bailed out rioters, and more of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open, so we’ve opened Pandora’s Box here, and I’m sad for the country.”

Senator Graham was referring to Kamala Harris promoting the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), which raised $35 million dollars in the wake of George Floyd riots. read more

40 Comments on Lindsey Graham Suggests Kamala Harris Could Be Impeached When GOP Retakes House

  1. You know what I’m gonna do?
    I’m gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible
    Hot pink with whale skin hubcaps
    And all leather cow interior
    And big brown baby seal eyes for head lights (Yeah)
    And I’m gonna drive in that baby at 115 miles per hour
    Gettin’ one mile per gallon
    Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonald’s
    In the old fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers
    And when I’m done sucking down those greaseball burgers
    I’m gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag
    And then I’m gonna toss the styrofoam containers right out the side
    And there ain’t a goddamn thing anybody can do about it
    You know why? Because we’ve got the bomb, that’s why
    Two words: nuclear fucking weapons, okay?
    Russia, Germany, Romania, they can have all the democracy they want
    They can have a big democracy cakewalk
    Right through the middle of Tiananmen Square
    And it won’t make a lick of difference
    Because we’ve got the bombs, okay?
    John Wayne’s not dead, he’s frozen
    And as soon as we find a cure for cancer
    We’re gonna thaw out the Duke, and he’s gonna be pretty pissed off
    You know why?
    Have you ever taken a cold shower?
    Well, multiply that by fifteen million times
    That’s how pissed off the Duke’s gonna be
    I’m gonna get the Duke, and John Cassavetes
    And Lee Marvin, and Sam Peckinpah, and a case of whiskey
    And drive down to Texas and bla, bla, bla and Linda is all talk

  2. After the election was stolen does this asshat really think we’re going to win anymore elections? 🤔 Maybe if you’d investigate the fraud LYNDSEY we would have confidence, but we don’t with you Repube’s running the show. 🤨

  3. What’s more hysterical? The fact that Graham thinks the GOP will ever hold the House again after vote fraud by mail is now the national standard, or that if the spineless piece of shit republican house leadership would ever have the fucking spine to impeach a POTUS or VPOTUS no matter how much they had it coming.

  4. Our conservative senators…..

    have done so much for conservatives and Trump45…..

    They play nice with their friends on the other side…..

    while they collect their pac money…..and try to convince us….

    “…..just get in the train car…..everything will be better in the camps…”

  5. According to our COTUS, she is ineligible to hold the office. But hey, don’t let that stand in the way of the UNi-Party agenda.

    I’m just gonna keep on posting this until everyone gets it….

    Dear Fellow Americans,
    If you are still operating under the belief that there is a Two-Party System, would you PLEASE STOP IT!!!!??? You would look less foolish if you declared your fervent belief in the Tooth Fairy… just sayin’.
    If you wish to strip-away the power of the reprobates and charlatans currently infesting OUR government, you need to STOP participating in their divisive Political Tribalism that does nothing more than diminish OUR identity as Americans and pits Americans against Americans. STOP identifying as Republican or Democrat… there is NO SUCH THING. What the “Parties” offer WE the People is the illusion of choice while both sides of the aisle work toward a common goal that is repugnant to the COTUS.
    Any questions, feel free to ask.

  6. @The Claw of Bluegrass — Most of us here figured this out in the early days of the oblowme regime. That’s what gave rise to the tea party; McCain leaving the campaign trail to go back to D.C. to vote for the big bank bailout. Remember that, “Too big to fail.”?

  7. Claw
    You’re behind the times on the GOP too. 80 million deplorables own that bitch now. Most of the RINOs are clueless. Lindsey almost got it figured out. But continues to play both sides of the fence. Just in case.

  8. Not if, but when.

    And the GOPe is going down – lots of them are going to be primaried in 2022. It’ll be interesting to see in the next year how many of them decide to “return to private life” rather than to run again.

  9. I have had a discussion, I think on Twitter, with a House candidate from Ohio. I replied to a comment he made. I said we needed a new party. He said we need the Republican Party to win. I asked him if Republicans were ever going to win again after rolling over after a fraudulent election. He has not yet responded. Maybe he now has an idea of how pissed off we are.

  10. The Chamber of Commerce Old Party doesn’t know it yet, but they are about to find out that the straw that broke the camel’s back was put there by them and their days of flimflamming the conservative base are over.

  11. JD
    That’s what I’m seeing. As a matter of fact last Wednesday Trump met with Rand Paul and Ted Cruzer and reportedly one of the hot topics was the US Chamber of Commerce. But the take over of the GOP is grass roots and it’s already been done. Some fools are tone deaf.

  12. Extirpates: Unless there is a new blood info Republicans, they are a bunch of whiny little school girls…

    Extripates: you forgot to mention the amount of money the little school girls are looting from our nation while they do their b.s. dances.

  13. Suuuuuuure
    Uhhhh Huuuuuh
    As iiiiiif

    Like I reeeeealy believe that the Repubeletards will eeeeever do anything to upset their UniParty friends across the aisle. Why, they might not get invited to the next big Libtard DildoCrat political shindig! Heaven forbid! Gasp! Clutch the pearls!


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