Lion’s Head Coach, Dan Campbell Insults Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner – IOTW Report

Lion’s Head Coach, Dan Campbell Insults Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner

Detroit Sports News

Detroit Lions head coach Dan Campbell‘s preference for Thanksgiving dishes goes beyond mere culinary choices; it reflects his unique personality and approach to both life and football. In a recent interview on 97.1 The Ticket, Campbell’s candid take on traditional Thanksgiving foods offers insight into his personal tastes and preferences.

“Must have is ham. I’m a big ham guy,” Campbell told hosts Stoney and Jansen. “I’m not a turkey guy, unless it’s fried turkey. I’m not a dressing fan. I’m not a cranberry fan. I’ll throw that right out to the dogs. Everything else, I’ll load it right on top of each other, full stack.”

Dan Campbell, Head Coach of the Detroit Lions

The Lions play the Packers at 12:30 ET tomorrow, Details

Lions are favored by 7 points. Here

21 Comments on Lion’s Head Coach, Dan Campbell Insults Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner

  1. so? … my next door neighbors have never (so they claim) had turkey … or ham … or sweet potatoes, cranberries, mashed taters, gravy, or any of the tradition Thanksgiving fare

    they have ….

    wait for it ….

    ………wait for it ….

    …………….. wait for it ….

    fish! … no kidding ……….. nothing but seafood! scallops, clams, mussels, imitation crab meat (whiting fish, lmao), rockfish, bluefish …. you get the drift (no pun intended)

    to each his own … whatever floats your boat ….

  2. Sorry Doc Tar, I hate the Packers. It all started when I was like twelve and my dad got transferred from SoCal to a division in Oconomowoc Wisconsin. Brutal people. I had a teacher tell me to my face that Roman Gabriel was gay. Well as it turned out, but that’s beside the point. And then the entire class chanting RAMs suck 5 minuted before the bell. Me and my therapists are still trying to work this shit out. I’m eating Ham for Thanksgiving.

  3. @Brad ~ hated the Packers since Don Chandler’s famous ‘phantom field goal’ in ’65 against my Baltimore Colts to put the Packers in the playoffs & boot Baltimore out
    …. my first experience as a young lad, in the NFL fixing the outcome of games

    I’m having turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, smoked ham, oysters on the half shell & too much pumpkin pie w/ Breyer’s Vanilla bean ice cream (closest thing to home-made that I can find) & copious amounts of white zin & pinot grigio, w/ after dinner Swiss mocha coffee w/ whipped cream & late-night sipping’s of amaretto … my stomach is busting just thinking about it!

    I cherish & hold on to every holiday more & more as each one passes by much too quickly

  4. I’ve got a nice strip steak in the fridge with Thanksgiving dinner written all over it. I’m not a huge turkey fan, but I’ll eat it if that’s what’s being served. One year when the family went out to eat on Thanksgiving, everybody ordered turkey and I ordered a steak; I noticed several envious glances during the meal.

  5. One Thanksgiving I was looking forward to the turkey and couldn’t wait. We had to go to M-I-L’s house (expletive deleted). She said she wanted to be different and not serve boring turkey. She served an improperly cooked duck that was swimming in a lake of grease. Grease, grease and more grease. A massive disappointment and something not fit for human consumption. Even the old bat realized she made a mess of it.

  6. Since Mrs. Obsolete works very hard and the young’un is working we are getting takeout from Bob Evans. It’s our 10 th year eating “down on the farm.”

    Do miss the tradition but one must adapt as one becomes obsolete.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone 🦃

    No matter what we are chowing on today please pray for our nation 🙏❤️🕊️

    BENITO that glaze sounds delish 😋

    One things for sure can’t stand the Packers either 🤪

  8. I take after my dad; love turkey. But having chicken breasts today. We usually have a house-full of siblings, but this year everyone is spending it with their kids. Since I have no kids, I elected to stay home and enjoy being alone. Going to get caught up with reading, laundry, and watch a movie on MY TV. Since it’s usually on from the time my roommate gets up to when she goes to bed, I don’t get a chance to watch what I want. I think I’ll watch Oscar. Very funny movie.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Oh, and the only thing I like about the Packers is that the people own them, not some zillionaire. And being from Michigan, we always watched the Lions on Thanksgiving. I hear they are doing quite well this year. I wouldn’t know because haven’t watched NFL in years.

  9. Rib eye awaits….. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
    By the way, I never really cared about turkey but my now deceased wife used to render the leftovers down and make a killer turkey tetrazzini that would last till we all gobbled it up. My eldest daughter called me a few months ago to inquire if I knew Sally’s recipe and I had to say “dang! I was hoping YOU knew!”


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