Lions, Liars, and Shills! Oh My! – IOTW Report

Lions, Liars, and Shills! Oh My!

Here are the latest hits from Wikileaks:

John Harwood Boasted of Goading Trump at Debate,

‘Has That Gotten Any Press?’ Clinton Asked After Fast and Furious Killing of ICE Agent, 

and Hillary Camp Chair Asked NYT to Call for ‘Extradition’ of Cecil the Lion’s Hunter.

8 Comments on Lions, Liars, and Shills! Oh My!

  1. The hypocrisy is as astounding as the ignoring of HRC transgressions.

    Re Trump’s ‘scandalous words’:

    So interesting: Obama invites to the White House and lauds authors of the most sexist, foul lyrics in history, but a contrite Trump, is suspect for a what he thought was PRIVATE conversation.

    I wonder, if Mr.Trump
    put the words to music and had twerking, half-naked girls gyrating all around him, with his pants hanging under his buttocks, would he receive an invitation from the White House?

  2. Trump would not have been invited to the White House, like those “musicians” were. And we all know why not. His skin is the WRONG color. The racism core runs deep in those people, and they hold it up with undeserved, gleeful pride. Yet, as most Democrats, they hurl that word at anyone not in agreement with their one-sided prejudiced views on everything. America is fed up with this type of trash. Always look at what they “do” versus what they accuse others of committing, and see it is always the same. “I can do it, but you can’t”. Hillary is their Den Mommy Dearest.

  3. How does the side who scream that morality is just a patriarchal construct get away with judging Trump’s utterances? Their the ones who say “it’s just sex”, “stay out of my bedroom”, “it’s my body,hands off” and more to the point that the only thing necessary in any relationship is “consent”. More proof that to be liberal you must lack the gene for irony.

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