Lisa Page testimony means DOJ might want to re-open case against Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Lisa Page testimony means DOJ might want to re-open case against Hillary Clinton

Washington Examiner:

Lock her up?

More and more, it appears the Justice Department should have tried to do just that to Hillary Clinton and that only nefarious interference kept the attempt from occurring.

My colleague Becket Adams is correct in writing that newly released testimony by disgraced FBI attorney Lisa Page makes former U.S. attorney general Loretta Lynch look blatantly dishonest and makes her infamous “tarmac meeting” with former president Bill Clinton look even sleazier than it already had. Specifically, despite sworn assurances to the contrary from Lynch, Page testified that Department of Justice officials repeatedly dissuaded the FBI from building a criminal case against Clinton for “gross negligence” in her handling of classified information.

What bears further comment is the legal importance of the phrase “gross negligence.” Page said DOJ advised FBI lawyers that “gross negligence” was a charge they could not “permissibly bring” against Clinton because it was “too vague.”

This borders on nonsense. “Gross negligence” is not some vaguely interpretive standard the FBI was creatively deciphering from penumbras of the federal criminal code. Instead, it is a specific, enumerated standard for prosecution under Section 793 (f) of the U.S. Code’s chapter on “Espionage and Censorship.” It says anyone in possession of protected information “related to the national defense” who, “through gross negligence, permits” that information to “removed from its proper place of custody,” “shall” be penalized with up to 10 years in prison.

“Gross negligence” may not be as precise as a numerical equation such as 2 plus 2, but it’s hardly a mystical concept understandable only by sages and seers. Instead, it is a basic legal standard, appearing in U.S. laws too many times to count, meaning “a conscious and voluntary disregard of the need to use reasonable care.” more here

16 Comments on Lisa Page testimony means DOJ might want to re-open case against Hillary Clinton

  1. Lock up “Cankles” & be sure to melt down the key. If the key is just thrown away, someone may find it & let her back out.

    Also “Cankles” needs to get Avenatti to be her attorney.

  2. “We don’t want to point fingers – just want to make sure that this never happens again!”

    Same old refrain – while the country turns to shit.
    Watch. Wait. Don’t hold your breath.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. BULSHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  4. Former U.S. attorney general Loretta Lynch may appear dishonest, but former USAG Eric Holder WAS blatantly so. He was never prosecuted even though US Congress investigative commission proved it so, openly. Congress does all bark and no bite for proven political criminals (Trey Gowdy faked it well!), BUT does go after it’s own member whistle-blowers with a vengeance.

    Obama and Eric Holder CONFIRMED as Criminals. Will Congress Prosecute?
    The House Oversight Committee has basically confirmed what we all already knew – that Barack Obama and his cohorts were the biggest criminals to ever occupy the White House.
    The question now is if Congress has the balls to actually prosecute a former president.

    James Traficant – Americans are Prisoners of the Fed
    By wmw_admin on September 30, 2014
    American Patriot, Congressman James Traficant, right, died Saturday at age 73. He represented Youngstown Ohio from 1985-2002 – re-elected eight times. He was framed for “corruption” in 2002, expelled from Congress and spent seven years in prison.

  5. They can keep closed ranks and continue to ignore the crimes of the Clintons but they will never regain the trust of the public. They already know that and it should indicate to anyone paying any attention the level of contempt they have for the general public.
    Only a massive purge of these scum will ever bring the system back on a even keel. Dream on.

  6. Even Gross Negligence (GN) doesn’t fit what they did. The classified computer networks are “air gapped” from the internet. They are a totally different network, and don’t touch the internet. There is no way to take emails from a secure (Secret and higher classification) system, and simply forward them to The messages would have to be INTENTIONALLY removed (disk, flash drive, print and scan, etc.) and then copied to the unsecure system. Naturally, there are already laws in place against this (Bradley Manning).

    GN would be like taking a road trip in a car that you knew the brakes didn’t work. This is more like stealing a car, disabling the brakes yourself, getting drunk and high, and taking the road trip in it.

    Hanging is too good for them.


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