List of Fake Indians Out 195 “Suspicious Pretends” – IOTW Report

List of Fake Indians Out 195 “Suspicious Pretends”


They are coming for a white lie.

A list of alleged Native Americans is beginning to spread in tribes and academia, accusing 195 people of misrepresenting Indian identities for personal gain.

The “List of allegations” Is the creation of Jacqueline Keeler, a Native American writer and activist who has spent years crushing fakes in politics and academia.

“Everyone on this list has made public claims through interviews, books, documentaries, and even Congressional testimony. They also cash all their claims. These are not private beliefs.” And reading her introduction. “We publish the names and findings of all those who have been found to be unrelated to the Native American tribes they claim in the United States.” More

24 Comments on List of Fake Indians Out 195 “Suspicious Pretends”

  1. I’m part Native American by my father’s grandmother. We could find no documentation in numerous searches so we were unable to prove lineage. I guess that’s why I couldn’t get into Harvard.

  2. Fuck ALL this noise.

    I’m an indigenous American.

    : produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region or environment”

    I was born here, exist here naturally, never been West of the Mississippi or East of the Atlantic, so this is my region, this is my environment.

    I AM native to America. I don’t need to belong to a “Federal or State recognized tribe” to say that. I am native to America by DEFINITION.

    “native (adjective)

    na·​tive | \ ˈnā-tiv \
    Definition of native (Entry 1 of 2)
    native talents
    2: belonging to a particular place by birth
    a native New Yorker
    3archaic : closely related
    4: belonging to or associated with one by birth
    hailed in his native Sweden as an influential dramatist
    — William Peden
    a generosity that was native to him
    6a: grown, produced, or originating in a particular place or in the vicinity : LOCAL
    native fruits and vegetables
    b: living or growing naturally in a particular region : INDIGENOUS
    native wildlife of Australia”

    …I can’t recall the year or the comedian, but when South African Apartheid

  3. (Cont., Cat Video was crashing my phone)

    …I can’t recall the year or the comedian, but when South African Apartheid was the cause celeb, this comedian ran down an official South African document that stated for the month how many Whites were reclassified as Indians (from India), how many Asian were reclassified as Black, how many Black werw reclassified as Mulatto, whatever, the point being that it wasn’t parody even though it sounded like it, it was just ridiculous on its face how they had to constantly recatagorize human beings as they fell in and out of favor with the racial spoils system.

    Flash forwards 30 odd years, and now Hollywood promotes what it once mocked.

    …if the 14th Amendment meant anything at ALL, NONE of this crap would be an issue. We’d all compete as human beings with talents and strengths of our own that we could improve ourselves to improve our situation, and we’d ALL be better for it.

    Instead, we have an immutible, inborn characteristic we cannot change (Rachel Dolenzal ans Shaun King aside) that we simply have to accept, and be hated and reviled or promoted and lionized over, to the detriment of us all.

    Like it or hate it, “Affirmative Action Hire” will NEVER be a complement.

    I am White as these things are reckoned. In my life I have done things better than some White and Black and Brown and Asian people, and had some of every hue do some things better than me, and either way it had absolutely BUBKIS to do with skin tone. I have trained with people of all skin colors to do very technical things, sometimes very dangerous things, managed and been managed by all skin colors, been co-equal in some jobs with all skin colors, and bern in life or death situations with people who do not look like me and it did not matter one damn but. The last time I did 2 man CPR, my EHS coordinator, a Black man of Haitian extraction, brought me the AED and took over compressions while I did rescue breathing.

    Don’t tell me Black, Brown, Asian, or whatever people can’t succeed unless White people are vilified and demoted and spurned.

    I’ve been on this earth too long and seen too many people in too many crisis situations to even BEGIN to believe you.

    Affirmative Action is nothing but a crutch for the lazy and petulant.

    Stop it.

    “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.”
    -Martin Luther King Jr.

    …that dream cannot ever come to pass as long as racism is kept alive via a racial spoils system, be teaching skin color makes some evil and others noble and character and personal responsibility matter not one whit.

    If there’s no profit in it, you won’t have to worry about people faking “Indian” ancestry.

    Then we can all get back to being Americans.

  4. So called “native Americans” aren’t ‘indigenous,’ either, by the the strict definition. Their ancestors migrated here tens of thousands of years ago in multiple waves. So, they can kiss SNS’s (and my) indigenous keister!

  5. Beachmom,

    Pretendian stuck out to me too.

    Carier Bourassa, typical pretend French Canadian, Pretend Indian, 100% Government Job.

    But hell, Turdeau was a fake Indian, Black person, soldier, teacher, bouncer (yep), etc.

  6. how dare they pretend to be someone they’re not

    (charlie walksonwater handle does not indicate membership in any tribe. Native heritage neither expressed nor implied)

  7. Charlie WalksonWater *
    JANUARY 2, 2022 AT 10:20 PM

    “(charlie walksonwater handle does not indicate membership in any tribe. ”

    …If I recall correctly, it DOES indicate membership in the Tribes of Israel as a follower of Rabbi Yeshua, better known as Lord Jesus Christ, and expresses your desire to walk beside him on water one day.

    So it claims membership in the best tribe of all, to which membership is a freely given gift to all who would follow Him and obey His Commandments.

    …so it’s the best tribe of all, the Tribe of the Children of God.

  8. 😂 you guys are funny. I thought I was reading something written by one of the barely Engrish speaking peoples that I sometimes speak to when I have to order something by phone.
    Agree, “Pretendían” was the highlight of the article.
    Still laughing….

  9. The ex-husband of a woman who worked for me was a founding member of a fake Indian tribe. He had a “tribal” drivers license, license plates, sheriffs badge, etc. It was a tax dodge, but it didn’t work. Last I heard, the loser was in federal prison. If only he was a senator, he’d be a free man.

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