List of Politicians Who Took FTX Money – IOTW Report

List of Politicians Who Took FTX Money


Additionally, the Twitter Account “Unusual Whales” which tracks and researches financial transactions, has published the first list I have seen that makes it easy to see who FTX donated to.  The list IS HERE and is alphabetized. More

If you missed the Tucker Carlson Original titled “Scam Bankrupt Fraud” that aired on Fox News last night, you can see it on Rumble (it’s well worth your time). Here

8 Comments on List of Politicians Who Took FTX Money

  1. I think this whole debacle was a designed as a primer by the WEF One World Oligarchy to deliberately crash the planet.

    COVID fear failed.
    The WW3 attempt in Ukraine failed.

    We didn’t bite.

    They are going to need a “bigger boat”, it seems to start a world war.

    I think it’s time for a deadlier “virus” along with a deadlier “vaxx”.

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