I realize there has been a spate of posts that deal with the male member, but I’m getting a lot sent in as tips suggestions.
I know I don’t have to post them, but I blame Trump. You see, after 8 years of having a president with a moose knuckle in his pants, subliminally people are being drawn to stories about maleness.
This one happens to be a bit horrific.
Woman doesn’t think she found a fly in her soup, she found the penis.
ht/ rob e.
If anyone has any pictures or stories of nice looking ladies having fun please send them to BFH.
I blame the British
It musta been a Horse Fly..
Izzat a mushroom?
Perhaps the English are missing their spotted Dick.
A real Lady wouldn’t have commented.
annie Go Trump
Hieronymus Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights is one of the most famous paintings in history. The center panel of the triptych showcases a bunch of naked people enjoying themselves in the most hedonistic ways possible at the time.
So THAT’s what Homa did with it.
HOMA? Sheeesh. HUMA!!!
It appears that she doesn’t mind holding and displaying it.
I was told 2016 would be the year of the Vagina!
A women called the waiter over and said….”What’s that penis doing in my soup?”….the waiter replied…”I think that’s the backstroke”….
H/T…Henny or Groucho…
Soup of the day: Knurled Penis Tempura, diced or whole.
I was thinking along the same line as Anony. Spotted Dick http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=spotted+dick&view=detailv2&&id=F7E754AB04214900C713C7060063CE7C2BCDB6AE&selectedIndex=1&ccid=WkayUCcJ&simid=608007155190204336&thid=OIP.M5a46b25027094f2fb6365dd9842a67ddH0
I’ve seen horseclams and geoducks with schlongs that look like that. Cut ’em up and put ’em in the chowder.
Oh yeah, Fur. Like you just won the lottery of excuses…
Some times at a pig wrestling match the pig wins
“Salty Cream Flavored Obama Chips”
Hey Stop the presses. I got a story for you. I just, like five minutes ago, got a call from the local National Rifle Association.
NRA. Mr. Moe we are inviting you to become a lifetime member of the NRA
MOE. But I already am. cut off
NRA For just eighty dollars you can become a lifetime mem. cut off
MOE But I already am a ..cut off
NRA. For just eighty dollars… cut off by me
MOE. Am I talking to a robot?
NRA. No Sir, but for eighty dollars you can…cut off by me.
MOE. Woe, wow, hold up son. when does my present subscription expire?
Well Sir 2025.
Moe. Well Sir I may well be dead by then.
Even the NRA have assholes selling their wares.
Stop rubbing it in, I’ve had a hard life.
I wonder where it went.
Rub it a bit, and that soup turns into a hearty stew.
Cream of What soup?
i missed the part where she said she vomited for hours.
She said it tasted like chicken?