Listen- These stories are being SENT TO ME – IOTW Report

Listen- These stories are being SENT TO ME

I realize there has been a spate of posts that deal with the male member, but I’m getting a lot sent in as tips  suggestions.

I know I don’t have to post them, but I blame Trump. You see, after 8 years of having a president with a moose knuckle in his pants, subliminally people are being drawn to stories about maleness.

This one happens to be a bit horrific.

Woman doesn’t think she found a fly in her soup, she found the penis.


ht/ rob e.


27 Comments on Listen- These stories are being SENT TO ME

  1. A women called the waiter over and said….”What’s that penis doing in my soup?”….the waiter replied…”I think that’s the backstroke”….

    H/T…Henny or Groucho…

  2. Hey Stop the presses. I got a story for you. I just, like five minutes ago, got a call from the local National Rifle Association.
    NRA. Mr. Moe we are inviting you to become a lifetime member of the NRA
    MOE. But I already am. cut off
    NRA For just eighty dollars you can become a lifetime mem. cut off
    MOE But I already am a ..cut off
    NRA. For just eighty dollars… cut off by me
    MOE. Am I talking to a robot?
    NRA. No Sir, but for eighty dollars you can…cut off by me.
    MOE. Woe, wow, hold up son. when does my present subscription expire?
    Well Sir 2025.
    Moe. Well Sir I may well be dead by then.

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