Literally – IOTW Report


In Biden’s America, we will have evaporated everything

11 Comments on Literally

  1. Can we get Marvin the Martian to use his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator ray gun to evaporate joey. Or is that just a Looney Tunes thing. Will it also work on Putin and Zellensky and the Chi com leader Xi and Kim Jung Un and the mad mullahs in Iran as well.

  2. Communists use starvation as a weapon. Always have, always will. A starving population doesn’t have time for high-minded revolutionary ideas, or energy to carry them out, and you can starve the more troublesome ones to death if they do.

    This is not mere incompetence, and it isn’t His Fraudulency Pedo McShitpants the Neurosyphiliptic driving it. This is a stragety long planned and would go forward regardless of the name of whatever Pretendident they illegitimately foist upon us.

  3. Biden won because the WEF and other global deep pockets could not abide Trump winning again, although even Trump fell way short of building the big wall. Trump even mentioning a wall was enough for them to arrange for Sniffer Joe to win by rigging vote machines. Now we have a torrent of illegals coming in, our food and energy supplies under attack, and free speech on the chopping block.

    Mustafa Mond (Schwab – runs the WEF) even said recently that control of GBT Chat (I think it was that) will give the globalists control of the entire world. I call that ego-mania. They’ll gain control by killing billions of us.


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