Little Girl Upset About Her First Day Of School Hairdo – IOTW Report

Little Girl Upset About Her First Day Of School Hairdo

Somehow I think she was prompted to say this. It still cracked me up though. I know it’s supposed to make me mad and tweak me. But, it didn’t.

28 Comments on Little Girl Upset About Her First Day Of School Hairdo

  1. My mom used to give my sisters permanents the night before school picture day. Not only did it stink up the house, but the curls of their pageboy hairdos were ridiculous looking. High and tight.

    Years later my sisters kids cut out one of her pics and glued it over George Washington on a one dollar bill.

  2. When my two girls were young, my former spouse would doll up their hair, generally in all kind of curls, for EVERY important picture such as school, church pictorial, family formal, etc. Their normal hair style was straight and generally in a pony tail. The girls hated it!!!! 🙂 Oh….and don’t get me started on the former spouse making the girls dress alike….two peas in a pod, too. They hated that, also!!!!

  3. @ WDS, my mother’s name was Celeste.
    What I don’t like about videos like this is that they are clearly set ups and the kids are being used like pawns by the adults. The mom should have combed her hair a certain way and then told the camera she looks like Trump.

  4. Oh, I agree. It’s abuse of a child for the sake of a joke.
    But I am simply out of energy to be an empath for kids who have frigged up parents.
    I look at stuff like this on the internet and shake my head and chuckle and say
    “we must eradicate the left!”

    If she wants to abuse her kid for a cheap punch line about Trump…

  5. Hey Beachmom, It’s just like the kids at liberal protests holding pithy signs supposedly made by them. BTW, there’s nothing wrong with “Celeste”, I was only surprised the kid’s name didn’t have a more, you know..urbanized flavor to it.

  6. @BFH
    Celeste is the first word in the video and is repeated several times throughout. Momma’s accent mixed with urbanized English (ebonics) sounds to be of a southern dialect where ends of words are often “soft” or left out completely. And yes, credit should be given to the Billingsly School of Jive. You feel me?

  7. In general, it’s easily predictable which kids will succeed in life v those who’ll blame everyone else for their failure.

    Mom, you’re off to a good start setting up your daughter for a lifetime of disappointments.

  8. @ WDS, I wasn’t really offended. I don’t get offended as a rule. Re read my comment with a wise ass sarcastic tone and smirk on your face.
    There, that’s better. 😉
    I’m surprised the girl’s name is so old fashion and doesn’t have a couple of eeshes added to it.

  9. Hmm. Relax this hairdo so it falls and you have a modern version of the childhood pic of someone here.

    I couldn’t stand the cruelty. She’s not loving her child when she does this.


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