Little Girl’s ‘Japanese Tea Party’ Gets Called Racist, And It Sparks Heated Debates – IOTW Report

Little Girl’s ‘Japanese Tea Party’ Gets Called Racist, And It Sparks Heated Debates

Common Cents

A Utah mom inadvertently sparked a fire when she threw a Japanese-themed birthday party for her daughter, Caitlyn, and posted about it on her blog. Tumblr somehow got a hold of it, and some users started dragging the mom for encouraging racism. One commentator, who happened to be Japanese, however, came in to set the record straight, and it was pretty much the mic drop of the century.

The mom in question, who runs a party planning blog called The Gala Gals, is just one of the latest people to enter the fierce modern debate on cultural appropriation, and when it is and isn’t okay. Do you dress up as people from other countries in order to make fun of them? You’re probably a racist.
Do you like wearing a kimono because you appreciate its beauty and historical significance to Japan? Go right ahead. A strong argument can be made, after all, that stigmatizing the sharing of cultural elements only creates more distance between us.

18 Comments on Little Girl’s ‘Japanese Tea Party’ Gets Called Racist, And It Sparks Heated Debates

  1. 9 times out of 10 the complainer of cultural appropriations is some Grade A liberal douchebag. Ya see, these douchebags think that other races and cultures are inferior to their own, (white, western), and assume that they are to inept to speak on behalf for themselves. The liberal douche can’t even see past their own bigotry when they jump in to save their “incapable” victims. That’s truly the bottom line.

  2. The Lib’s Are Slowly Making Cultural References Politicaly Correct, Which Will Have The Intended Outcome Of A Cultureless World !!!
    We Can Wear Only Certain Nuetral Colors ( Pastels !) And Be Counted Numericaly and Never By an Offensive Name !!!

  3. So, I guess a little girl’s tea party wearing Klan robes an burning a candle cross in the middle of the table is good?

    Help me here…..

    Howabout dress up as a crackho on the streets tee party and get pimped out?

    I betcha they have no problem with a dimmicrat molesting young girls tea party either.

  4. These idiots are truly annoying, they wouldn’t have the stones to confront anyone in public with this garbage. They troll the net trying to one up the like minded douchebags.

  5. Last week I saw a white liberal hippie with dreadlocks in a public park in Denver that was slacklining in front of a bunch of like minded people (man buns galore). I asked my husband why that wasn’t cultural appropriation. How come it is okay for white liberals to have dreadlocks and yet they go berserk when they see something they decide isn’t PC in their small minds. More hypocritical BS from our leftist pals.

  6. I get offended every time I see a Chinese man wearing a suit and tie, as it is such a blatant cultural appropriation. Don’t even get me started about Mexicans wearing Hawaiian shirts.

  7. dressing up in some “races” costume and making fun of said “race” does not make me a racist.

    it makes me funny, maybe, if my timing is not off.

    before you call me a racist, define a “race” for me.
    I haven’t been able to come to grips with that term yet.

  8. UPDATE!

    Everything white people do, everything they enjoy, everything they represent is RACIST! and needs to be shamed and stamped out.

    Christmas? No!
    Male? No!
    White? No!
    Wealthy? No!
    Heterosexual? No!
    Christian? No!
    Republican? No!
    Western Culture? No!
    Guns? No!

    Kill Whitey?–Yes

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